Greetings, Summit Leaders.

When we want to experience growth, obtain a higher goal, find purpose in life, and fulfillment, we look for leadership to help us on our way.

People observe your leadership every day.

Compassion, courage, and consistency are three qualities we see in leaders.

Compassion is a quality that enables a leader to see with their heart and respond to another's circumstances in the right way. Leadership sees, feels, and considers the best action to take on behalf of those they serve.

Most importantly, leadership intercedes on another's behalf.

Here's a quote describing one leader who acted in a crisis on behalf of others. "But Phinehas had the courage to intervene, and the plague stopped. So, he has been regarded as a righteous man ever since that time."

People remember your actions and appreciate you long after your acts of compassion, courage, and intercession in their lives.

Great leaders show compassion and act courageously on behalf of those they lead and serve. They have influence.

Each of us in our daily walk has influence and impacts the lives of many people. The big difference is that some are intentional, and others are unaware of the impact opportunity they have.

Wherever we engage with people is the opportunity window to influence them for good. How we show up as leaders matters.

People sense when someone is seeking to impact them for their benefit.

We remember these people many years after the kindness they gave us. We honor them in our character, conversation, and conduct by thinking of their examples.

We are encouraged to be mindful of those leading us—those who speak to you the word of encouragement, insight, and truth. Consider the outcomes of their leadership and way of life and imitate their faithful walk.

Great leaders exhibit consistency in their responses to daily challenges, opportunities, and how they engage with those they serve. When their answer is not their best, they seek to correct it and move forward. They take the initiative and desire to act in the best interest of all they serve.

Leaders who lead by example and impact see purpose and a calling to something greater. They engage you as a person. They communicate with passion, purpose, and meaning because they believe in you.

Change the climate and create an inspirational culture among those you work, live, and serve.

This journey will not be an easy one because of life's challenges, distractions, and unforeseen events.

Nevertheless, be committed to maintaining consistency in your quest to become the leader who desires and makes an impact by living a purposeful life.

I recall the quote of Gideon; a farmer turned war commander. He gained respect and influence with his army because of his calling and leadership. His army was willing to follow his example.

Then he said to them, "Keep your eyes on me. When I come to the edge of the camp, do just as I do." As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

They won a great victory that day and impacted a nation for forty years!

That is the impact you can have, "mighty warrior!"

"The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example." John Wooden.

Begin today! Many will benefit from your leadership!
