We can all agree that Nuns lead an austere life. It’s part of the deal when you become a nun. But sometimes you get tired of it and just want to go apes**t. You can only wear rough spun clothes, pray all day, and get around in what I assume is a cart for only so long before you feel the need for speed. The need for a Ferrari. Throw that habit off and drive into the sunset Sisters, you earned it. This week, the boys talk about trips to Paris, Theo lists some of his favorite nonsense skateboarding terms, flips, and tricks, Will takes us through a “Conspiracy Query” about the theories around Napoleon's death including poisoning, deadly enemas, and a corpse switcheroo, Theo reads an article called “Nuns Sell Up and Move Out” which describes French nuns under investigation for selling their old convent in order to buy a chateau in the South of France (as well as a farm, race horses, and a Ferrari), and Will goes over a condition called “Paris Syndrome” which is a tourist experiences psychiatric symptoms such as hallucinations, feeling of persecution, anxiety, etc caused by culture shock and disappointment from how Paris actually is.