I love a good Mariachi band. It’s especially nice when they specifically play for you on a birthday or other special event. But it’s all context. A surprise Mariachi band in a Mexican restaurant? Perfect. A surprise Mariachi band in your house? Not as good. A surprise Mariachi band popping up in your car and throwing a bag over your head while blaring trumpet in your ear? Less than ideal. This week on the podcast, the boys talk about trading bodies with other people, a question from r/ RelationshipAdvice where an office worker wants to compliment the janitor for how well she cleans the bathroom, how obnoxious it would be to have a Mariachi band follow you all day, and in a long segment of “D&D for 2”, the fake wizard Bruno Wizardson attempts to evict an Ogre with… curious tastes in literature and cuisine by attempting to bankrupt him. A deal goes awry, spells are cast, and there may be consequences for questionable transactions. Stay tuned for more!