After the success of the Isuzu Mysterious Utility Wizard, the car manufacturer decided to contact other dark arts practitioners for a possible deal. This led them to contact Fred, the Questionable Reliability Warlock. Suffice it to say, Fred did not come through on this. Ironically, the car itself was very reliable, especially in cold weather. Oh, and also summoning a demon in the passenger seat to help with navigation. This week, Theo and Will talk about a company sponsored magic show, perceptions on gaining or losing weight, pretending to be an animal in a zoo for a million dollar salary, a new horse costume themed romantic comedy, as new segment called “Welcome to New England” where Theo has to guess which New England town name is fake, “Guess which car name is real”, Will dramatically reads cat based tweets in a new segment called “Twitter Theater”, an Amazon (Not) Erotica about a book called “Bill the Vampire” about an obnoxious nerd vampire, and a reading from the Acts of Gord website.

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