“I’ve been consuming this pot brownie for 12 years” Edna “The Edible Queen” Jones said. “And yet, no matter how much I consume, there is more.”

“Yes Edna, you bought a 850lb pot brownie, of course it is going to take a while to eat.”

“No” Edna whispered. “I think it’s… growing. I’ve caught it staring at me. I think it is starting to think. To plan. Oh GOD!” Edna lunged at the brownie but was held back.

“I think it’s fried your brain. Let’s take you away…”

Edna’s screams echoed down the halls of her home as the brownie reached out and picked up the remote to the television.

“Hehe hell yeah duuude I love Looney Tunes man…” The brownie groaned, the light of the television illuminating its pulsing form.

This week on the podcast, the boys discuss red flags when meeting someone for the first time, Theo asks “What Does This Rap Lyric Mean?” about Gunna’s song “Pushing P” which leads to more questions including “What is P…?”, Will looks “In the News!” in an extra long segment filled with prison mashed potato fights, Batman high patrol alerts, tapping maple syrup reserves, storms causing scorpions to rise up and attack, and a 850 lb pot brownie, and Theo takes us back to “The Taxidermy Shop” for more taxidermied Ebay animals such as a send up to a Saint by way of a squirrel with eyes on a platter and a Borg turtle!