About Today’s Guest:

Kayla M. Williams is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Military, Veterans, and Society Program at Center for a New American Security. She previously served as Director of the Center for Women Veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs, where she was primary adviser to the Secretary on department policies, programs, and legislation affecting women veterans. Kayla spent eight years at RAND researching servicemember and veteran health needs and benefits, international security, and intelligence policy. 

Ms. Williams was enlisted for five years as an Arabic linguist, serving in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). She authored the memoirs Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army and Plenty of Time When We Get Home: Love and Recovery in the Aftermath of War. Kayla graduated cum laude with a BA in Literature from Bowling Green State University and earned an MA in International Affairs from American University. She is a member of the Department of Labor Advisory Committee on Veterans’ Employment, Training, and Employer Outreach; a former member of the Army Education Advisory Committee and VA Advisory Committee on Women Veterans; and a 2013 White House Woman Veteran Champion of Change.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

CNAS State Veteran Benefit Finder

VA Vet Center Locator

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milMedia Group

Shauna's latest book: Beyond the Military: A Leader's Handbook for Warrior Reintegration

Duane's latest book: Military in the Rear View Mirror: Mental Health and Wellness in Post-Military Life

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Episode Transcript:

Duane France (00:00):

Welcome to episode seven of the Seeking the Military Suicide Solution podcast brought to you by the Military Times. I'm Duane France.

Shauna Springer (00:07):

And I'm Doc Shauna Springer.

Duane France (00:09):

And we'd like to thank you for taking the time to learn more about suicide in the military affiliated population. I'd also like to thank our sponsors, milMedia Group. milMedia Group is a proven web design and digital media agency specializing in supporting organizations focusing on the military population. Find more about them at www.milmediagroup.com.

Duane France (00:37):

Thanks again to everybody for joining us to listen to a conversation about service member veteran and military family suicide. Really appreciate how people have started to find the show and share it. If you want more folks to find the show, make sure to give us an honest rating and review on your podcast player of choice. We'd also like you to join our Facebook group moderated by fellow combat veteran Dee James. You can find the group in the show notes or by searching, "Seeking the Military Suicide Solution" on Facebook. And one of the things that we've heard is that a lot of listeners don't just want to hear from mental health professionals and today's guest isn't, but she has a lot of expertise when it comes to this subject. Shauna, what can you tell us about today's guest?

Shauna Springer (01:14):

Yes, so Kayla Williams is an Iraq war veteran who serves as Director of the Military Veterans in Society program at Center for a New American Security. I asked Kayla why suicide matters to her on a personal level, and she said this: when she was in Iraq, a woman in her unit died by suicide. She and this soldier had just spoken a few days before the death. Like many leaders who care about their soldiers, Kayla spent a lot of time wondering whether she missed the signs or could have said or done anything different that might've encouraged her fellow soldier to get help. She also shared that she has struggled with suicidal ideation herself on more than one occasion and also with trying to find the right response when her husband, another veteran, has expressed similar feelings. Kayla is an elegant writer who has given deep thought to this topic. We're happy to host her on today's episode.

Duane France (02:09):

Yes, the lived experience. We've also often talked about the fact that those of us who served have a number and that number is the number that we have lost to suicide. And sometimes that number is bigger even than the number of people that we lost in combat. And that's going to continue to grow. So I really appreciate Kayla's transparency and vulnerability and we'll get into the conversation. We'll come back afterwards to pull out some of the key points.

Duane France (02:45):

As a combat veteran yourself as a veteran spouse, dual military and all the work that you've done really over the last 15 years, from your point of view, what have you seen that is effective when it comes to ending in the military population?

Kayla Willi...