The main thing was to have a leadership observation and have it be timeless, relevant, and a practical leadership principle. After reviewing the principles, we were to select two of them on which to further comment.

Moses was a fantastic leader who had many faults. At times he showed great trust in God and at other times he did not. There are times when he forgot what God could do through him (i.e. Moses asking God to have Aaron join him). There are far more observations from Moses' life that we could make. We could make two hundred more positive observations about him as a leader and communicator and how that applies to us as leaders, whether we lead a ministry, a company, a team of people, or we are leaders to our kids or those around us. We could also spend a great deal of time making observations about Moses being a poor leader at times. In fact, if we step back and are honest with ourselves if someone was to look at our lives and make observations, we probably would not want to hear about the many times we failed as a leader or parent, or employee. In applying this to our lives, it does take prayer and it takes dependence. It takes us reflecting on the life of Moses or other leaders we admire and learning from them, both the good and the bad. We also must be willing to be humble and ask God to work in us. That working in us may be really tough and it may be a hard season of life. As we deal with our ego being shredded and our confidence being lost, we remember our identity is not found in title or relationship or status or money, but in being a child of God. So, as God works in us, may we move out of His way, let Him sit on the throne of our lives, and change us from the inside out. Moses was not a great leader from the start. In reality, he was a murderer and a coward. But God used him and had a plan for him. God can use you and has a plan for you. Ask God to work in you and mold you and shape you and form you into that leader. And let Him work and be open to what He is teaching you.

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