The Epistle to the Hebrews is a rich part of the New Testament canon. In a unique fashion, it exalts the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so, it makes immensely valuable contributions to the doctrines of His Incarnation, His substitutionary death, and His priesthood. Among the other truths to which the epistle effectively contributes are those involving the relationship between the New Covenant and the Old, the interpretation of the Old Testament, and the life of faith. The church would indeed be incalculably poorer without the teaching of this inspired book.

But despite its unquestioned value, little is known with certainty about its occasion, background, and authorship. Ignorance in these matters, however, does not seriously affect the understanding of the epistle’s message. That remains timeless and relevant whatever the circumstances out of which it arose.

The epistle to the Hebrews stands alone in the New Testament in both its message and its purpose. It offers a ringing endorsement of Christ as superior to all elements of the old order (written revelation, angels, Moses, Aaron, and the entire Levitical system of sacrifices, and earthly tabernacle). It is a rousing call for believers enamored with the old order to embrace the superiority of Christ and go on to maturity in their faith. It signals the fulfillment of what the Old Testament promised. Hebrews unites the old and the new. It calls believers to a triumphant faith in this life and to a rewarding hope in the next.

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