Dr. Michael C. Munger, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Duke University & Professor of Political Science analyzes FEAR by Bob Woodward with me. Dr. Munger further discussed the details of his book: Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs & The Sharing Economy.

I began our analysis of FEAR by presenting my disappointment with the book not living up to it's title and cover presentation. I expected Mr. Woodward to provide an analysis of the FEAR that the Trump Presidency has engendered in both the Republican Party and the American people. What the book presents is a series of reported interviews Mr. Woodward did anonymously. Dr. Munger pointed out that the material implied fear and the ambiguity was a source of interest and the title and cover were likely chosen by the publisher to sell books.  I agreed. We analyzed several perspectives from the book in which Mr. Trump is portrayed as focusing on the importance of money over nearly everything else. Which lead us into a discussion of his book: Tomorrow 3.0.

Dr. Munger discussed his innovation vision of our economic future based on the shared business models that are both gaining popularity and replacing the "old" business model of owning products.  He presented the value of more efficiently using our technology to connect us as humans to share the valuable resources we have produced as a species instead of these resources sitting unused.  He gave the examples of power drills in our homes and cars in our driveways and parking areas at work - all sitting, taking up valuable earth space. 

His innovative economic concepts were drawn from his analysis of human development through the Industrial Revolution to today - where he marks the emergence of both the internet and hand held computers with APP's that connect us all as humans - as powerful vehicles of economic change.