In conjunction with International Literacy Day, our community members come together to talk about the importance of literacy, the power of reading, and the joy of expressing yourself through the written form. During the episode, we will also be describing, analysing and discussing our favourite works of literature. From short stories by Roald Dahl and Raymond Carver to Naomi Alderman's book, 'The Power' to Faizal Tehrani's opinion piece, 'Jangan Diam Boleh Tak' - there is definitely a lot to learn and discover along the way! We hope this episode inspires you to pick up reading or finish that piece you've been working on since forever!

Big props to community members, Maslin (@maslovecats ), Alana (@lanerd ), and Cass (@therealraffinit ), as well as a friend to the community, Dimi @dimitron.x ), for their input on this episode!

Literary works discussed are:

Roald Dahl - Lamb to a Slaughter Alderman - The Power Diam Boleh Tak - Faizal Tehrani small good thing - Raymond Carver -