Over 30 years of experience developing winning high-school basketball teams, including 428 career victories, sets the stage for the unique credibility and power of Coach Jim Johnson’s message.

Many speakers talk about leadership, but it’s rare to find a speaker who has, quite literally, led thousands.

In a moment later celebrated all over the world, Coach weighed risk with the potential for great opportunity for an autistic student-manager, Jason McElwain (JMac) catapulting Jim, the team, and JMac down a path of inspiration and hope. That one victory continues to reverberate into countless lives as audience after audience is touched by a wave of courage and tenacity and witnesses what true leadership can accomplish.

Key Takeaways:

Being proactive is key to solving issues that will eventually arise down the line.Use a clarity of communication exercise.Include teachers randomly in leadership meetings.Use a questioning agenda.Play the "if you only knew me" game.It's incredibly important to emphasize not committing a "double error" if we are to grow.Life accumulatesMake sure you have an intentional growth plan.You're either getting better or getting worse. There is no in between, which is why continuous improvement and self-development is crucial to successfully leadership.You need to focus on helping people figure out how to lead themselves so they in turn can become a servant leader.

Remember to Collaborate:

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