Hi! My name is Kerry Flood and I am a special education teacher in the math department at Whitman Hanson. I am also the assistant coach for the girls varsity soccer team and can't wait for our season opener! When I am not working, I thoroughly enjoy spending my free time with my one year old daughter who is my inspiration.

Key Takeaways:

Take items that are large and intimidating and break them down into separate sections or tasks so people can realize it might not be as bad as originally peers Clear a transparent communication is most important Don't care about people just one time Is provide teachers time during the day to get commitments outside of school Clearly communicate opportunities to get involved through personal conversations Let newer teachers know that things are gonna be OK even though they're incredibly hard at that moment in time Leaders need to hear everybody before narrowing down the information to the best decision

Get in Touch:

Twitter: @whkerryflood

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