I spoke with Dawn Diovera on Dec 16, 2021 and it was inspiring to hear how something starting from wanting to share a helpful tip to other people and become a non-profit supporting horses in need every month. Doing things from that space and following through bring great things to life. Understanding that it was the community that grew and contributed to making things happen it is also a person who takes an idea and follows through with it that plants that seed. It is wonderful to hear about how intuition played a role in The Man and Horse blog and the foundation that still exists today. 

Dawn Diovera has been a Television/Commercial producer for 25 years, bringing multimillion dollar concepts to life ? on time and on budget.? Working with highly challenging, evolving and robust corporations such as Apple, HP, Fed Ex, Sprint and Sony, Harrison brought forth her innate ability to facilitate her clients’ needs while managing hundreds of crew members in vastly diverse situations with budget and time considerations all culminating in the best work possible.? Her clients are all returns.

Along the way, Harrison immersed herself into her lifelong passion for horses.? As a successful Morgan Horse breeder, Harrison was awed and humbled by raising 4 World and National Champions.? Now, she houses a menagerie of retired show horses, brood mares, rescue horses, rehab horses, ponies and a donkey.? They are all her lights.

Horse and Man, INC.? is the fruition of years building concepts into successes … and the love of the horse.


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