This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Donald Trump provided fresh evidence of his assertive Presidency 2.0 with a memorandum Friday that effectively affirmed an earlier, contested directive by precluding those with “gender dysphoria” from serving in the U.S. military.

If that term is unfamiliar, it’s because lately we have been insistently told that self-described “transgender” individuals do not have such a clinical condition – never mind that it is utterly incompatible with the health, readiness and deployability standards our troops must meet.

The President’s new memorandum on transgenders-in-the-military will not only spare the armed forces the nightmare of integrating people with gender dysphoria into their showers, bunkrooms and units.  It also is a  clear repudiation of some senior Trump subordinates who worked to subvert his direction on this topic.  Ditto several federal judges who have unconstitutionally asserted the right to countermand direct orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief. 

This is Frank Gaffney.