This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Let’s call it Trump Presidency 2.0.  The replacement of H.R. McMaster as National Security Advisor with Amb. John Bolton is not merely a changing of the guard.  It is a sea-change, one that holds promise of allowing Mr. Trump to accomplish his national security and foreign policy objectives, rather than endlessly contend with them being sabotaged by his own insubordinate subordinates.

This transformation is powerfully reinforced by a similar swap-out at the State Department.  The disloyal Rex Tillerson is out and a skilled, principled team-player named Mike Pompeo has been nominated to replace him. 

For over a year, McMaster and Tillerson have been among those who  have fancied themselves the “adults” in the administration, determined to stop the President from doing what they oppose.  Now the President will have actual adults who actually want to help him succeed.  Hallelujah.

 This is Frank Gaffney.