Market fluctuations have a flow-on effect to the behaviour of buyers, sellers, renters and real estate professionals. For a listings portal, that means never staying still.

On this episode of Proptech Pulse, host Juliet Helmke is joined by Domain’s John Foong, chief commercial officer and managing director of agent experience, and Dani Harmer, general manager of product – agent experience. The trio unpack how the firm has had to be nimble in making updates to its tools to ensure agents, their clients and consumers more broadly are getting what they need in this market.

John and Dani share how the group goes about making sure that their products are always driving efficiencies and acting as effectively as possible. They shed light on some of the recent changes that have been boosting the agent experience, and what’s coming down the pike in terms of new capabilities.

They also go inside the recent campaign that saw Australia’s most beloved house – the home of Bluey Heeler – go up for sale through a Domain listing, and why collaborations such as this have a meaningful impact on the real estate community.