Joining me for Episode 9 to discuss strategic selling is Sarah Downs, Co-Founder and CRO of Doqaru, who works with growth-minded businesses across the Energy & Tech sectors by enabling the B2B Sales Function to drive more predictable sales performance. 

As a former Trauma Nurse, Sarah is no stranger to a challenge and is passionate about helping people.  Nursing taught her the value of a proper diagnostic process and the importance of not acting on symptoms alone. Sarah now uses her transferable skills from nursing in her business, Doqaru Ltd, and focusses on truly understanding the client’s needs by using data, industry knowledge and strategic insights to support their growth. Sarah is also a Chair of IoD and Non-Exec director, the Host of the ‘Sales Insights with Sarah’ podcast and one of the founding members of The Sales Club on Clubhouse which now has over 44K members. 

In this episode, we hear Sarah's views on strategic sales: how can companies become better at selling complex solutions over a long - and often tortured - buying process?  How to handle multiple decision makers? How to help your clients present a business case to their board? And what kind of salesperson do you need to be to sell consistently well in complex deals? We also hear Sarah's views on how to assess the competencies of salespeople in a much more reliable way than 'We like them'.    

We close our conversation, as always, with a discussion of the challenges (and benefits) of being a woman in sales and in business along with a few recommended books from Sarah's reading history as sources of inspiration.

If you'd like to get in touch with Sarah direct, you can find her on LinkedIn - - or via the Doqaru Head Office:

This is the final episode of Series 3: Women in Sales. We'll be back soon with a new series and some improvements to our format. See you again soon! 

Thanks for listening!

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