Six years ago when I joined my first MLM... I was so mad!


I went in and I was like, “I want to be successful.”


And the guy is like, “Hey, you really want to be successful?”


I said, “Absolutely.”


He said, "Well this is what successful people do. Give me a list of your friends and family. Let's take the ones who will be a good fit and three-way them in.”


So I was like, “I want to be successful, let's three-way them in”.


I started doing it, and once we ran out of those kinds of leads... Frankly, it got really awkward.


That's when I started walking down Main Street to try and recruit people.


The challenging part about it was that I was not equipping the people I was recruiting with the kind of education they needed.


I was just literally a pawn.


And when I realized that, I got mad.


I started looking to see what these other MLMers were doing.


None of them were doing home meetings, phone meetings, hotel meetings.


A lot of them had their own little product. They had:


Webinars Websites A funnel Little tiny info products


They wouldn’t attract people to their MLM.


They'd attract people to these items and these products and these things IN FRONT of their MLM.


Then when somebody would buy, they would go and sell them, and upsell, and say "Hey, would you like to come and join this thing?"




What was cool about that is it let them spend that money on ads.


This is like the marriage between marketing and the MLM world and how it actually works on the internet.


Whoever can spend the most money to acquire customer always wins, even if their product is worse.


I got mad about this because I realized that I was not being taught the way that big guys play the game.


I left MLM for a while until I said, "You know what, I'll do it again, but I will only do it in the way that I saw these other guys doing it."


I'm going to walk you through some training that I give people in my downline. It brainstorms some of those front-end products.


It's not actually that challenging to go create a lot of these things.


I’m going to show you the principle of a self-liquidating offer in MLM and how you can create that.


This is taken straight from Hack MLM. You can get it for FREE.


If you want to, go to and you can check it out.


Don't go there if you're like, "I don't want to be pitched." Because if you go there, you're going to get pitched, alright?




This helps my downline think, "What thing could I create in order to make one of those front-end products that is not related to my MLM, that is not there to recruit anybody, it's not there to even talk about the fact that I'm in one?"


It's just there to serve.


When it serves them, what happens is after a while they're like "Well man, that was really cool Steven, what else do you do?"


Funny you should ask! Here's my MLM, here's my downline.


Then they come and buy. It's one of the easiest ways to make sure that you have a consistent source of leads in your business.


You only have so many family members!


After you've run out of family members and close friends, how do you get more leads?


About five years ago I decided I would get back into MLM, but ONLY do it the way that I saw the people making a lot of money.


Most of my friends and family don't even know I'm in MLM.


The only reason they know that I'm in MLM is that they'll ask me what I do professionally. I'll be like "Oh, I do this, I do that."


I'll bring it up, and that's it. I don't pitch them.


We have three, four, five people a day asking to join my personal downline (not including all the ones who are in my downline).




How do you get a source of leads? Creating a self-liquidating offer in front of your actual business is the way to do that.


Get out a piece of paper and think, "What could I create that would attract my dream recruit, my dream product buyer? What could I create that would be a good fit, that only that kind of person would come and buy?"


I CHALLENGE YOU to go and make it and start just sending some traffic to it.


If you want the actual program that doesn't pitch you, go to and you can learn how to create these kinds of machines inside of your business (and treat it like a real one).


I know I'm very forward on this show, but I'm sick of so much crap around this industry.


Get out a piece of paper so you can brainstorm very simple ways to create a self-liquidating offer that will bring your dream customer to you.


I’m going to teach you some of the strategies I like to use to create these SLOs - Self-liquidating offers.


The reason we're going through this is that it is usually one of the topics that people get stuck on.


I'm going to walk you through a few different ways to create very easy self-liquidating offers.


We are different because we follow the info product direct sales model, AND we also do MLM.


That is what is fueling our downlines and fueling our MLMs. Most MLMers have no idea about these marketing tactics or techniques.  




These are some very simple ways to create SLOs (self-liquidating offers).


The biggest reason why someone freaks out, which is understandable, is because they're like, "You're telling me, Steven, that I have to go in, and I have to go create an entire offer? Do I have to be in the product creation business? I don't want to do that! That's the reason I got in MLM! It's because I don't have to create the product!"


I hear you, okay, I hear you. It's one of the reasons why this is the info product business.


Information is one of the highest margin things to sell.


It doesn't cost a lot of money to fulfill. When someone buys a CD, you just print the CD and send it out to them.


Or a book. Just print the book and send it out to them.


Or if it's completely digital it doesn't cost any money to fulfill on it. I just send an email with the access links.


The info product model has a lot of unique capabilities that physical products cannot have an advantage with.


First of all, what you need to understand is we, especially in the direct response world, are obsessed with repurposing content.


You're probably thinking to yourself, "Steven, this seems really cool, but I'm not an expert in anything. And you're telling me I need to go create something? I need to create something I can sell to people and liquidate my ad costs?"


Yes and no. You don't have to be the expert doing the talking.




When I started publishing a lot, I don't know what to say.


Instead, I started asking people who seemed like they knew more than I did, to come on my shows, and they did all the talking.


Everyone answers your phone calls when you have a show because they want to be on it.


One of the easiest ways to get an SLO created is to just talk with experts and record it.


Some of my buddies are doing this with keto reboot and stuff like that.


They're going out and talking to a whole bunch of doctors who are big fanatics about ketosis.


"Hey, what's up doctor? I’m going to be interviewing ten doctors, would you like to be the tenth? I'd love to interview you for twenty minutes about ketosis. Can I feature you on that, is that cool?"


That's a very secret phrase: "Can I feature you on that?"


That scratches somebody's status. When you get interviewed on something, what's the first thing you do? "I was interviewed. Check me out."


Which is fine, it's human nature. That's why a lot of people contribute their best stuff for free when you tell them: "Hey, look, I got this thing coming out, I'll sell it for a little bit in the future, but I'd love to feature you on it, do you want to contribute?"


I have crowd-created so many products like this.


It's the reason why these SLOs are really easy to create, but also really valuable AND take no cost to fulfill, because they're info.




#1 I'm going to do a video recording.


You’re going to want to interview 10+ experts.


#2 From that video interview, you can rip the audio. Now you have chapters. You have ten chapters for your own audiobook.


I have several friends that are doing this right now in the ketosis space because I showed them this.


Put it on or something like that and now you have a crowd-created product that you can drive traffic to. It's just a front-end product for Pruvit.


If this seems really all over the place, just let it sink in. You might be brand new to the game and that's totally fine.


#3 I would take the audio from the video and get it transcribed. You can go to, and it's like ten cents a minute for a computer to transcribe audio.


It's one of those things we'll use sometimes on my podcast when I'm making my blog posts.


I'm not going to rewrite that, are you kidding me?


I'm just going to pay ten cents a minute for some computer to go do it. Or, that's a dollar a minute for a human to do it.


Now we’re making a PDF.


Video interview Audiobook Text chapters


We have created a very sexy, amazing offer, already.


You could sell this for $27, $37, $57… Somewhere in that price range.




Russell did this for a project called the One Funnel Away Challenge, which I coach for.


We had a book that we crowd-created with thirty people.


We said "Hey, if you were to lose everything, how would you get it in thirty days? Do you mind doing a video interview talking about your chapter, and then another video interview going more deeply into it? And then do you also mind writing a chapter for this?"


There were thirty people so there are thirty chapters. He literally wrote one sentence of the entire book.


That thing made a million bucks in three weeks. It was insane and not very expensive either.


He didn't write it and he didn't pay any of these experts. Just knowing that my name was going to be in it was enough incentive for me to say YES.


What I'm telling you is: Don't underestimate the power of crowd-creating products.


People want that kind of exposure, and they're ready to give a lot of their best stuff out for a little bit more exposure.


If you're like "Steven, this seems like a ton of work!" That's fine.


Then just use the MLM masters pack I already provided for you and just run with that.


When you are ready for more traffic and you're ready to get more eyeballs, then you can do this.


You have:


Video interviews Audiobook Digital PDF


You can actually print it and have a physical book that you could ship out to them, and do a FREE+ shipping offer.




Get these experts to dialogue about how to stay in ketosis longer, how to get in ketosis faster, how to use Pruvit.


You can talk to keto experts and sell this to the general ketosis market, that may not be in Pruvit yet.


This is a great lead-in!


You could interview other experts who are specifically Pruvit product experts.


There are people inside Pruvit right now that they're dang near scientists.


Give them a place to dialogue, everyone wants to do that. Crowd-create this super sexy offer.


Now for $57 I'm going to give you:


The video interview series You're going to get the audiobook so you can listen to it The PDF And the physical book which we're going to ship out to you


You don't need to go that far, I'm just trying to show you.


Maybe you're only doing two of these. You're going to only do three. Maybe one of them.


I'm just trying to show you guys that crowd-creating, especially for low-end SLO offers, is the easiest answer.


For a low-end front-end product stuff like this, I don't recommend that you write an actual book. 


Leverage other people.


Maybe you can interview other MLMers on recruiting tactics. Do you know how attractive that would be?


To drop that in front of other MLMers who are failing in their MLM, and you say "Hey, here are other MLM experts that are out there AND you get all this stuff with it, $57! By the way, do you want to join Pruvit?"




One of my other favorite ways to do this is a SUMMIT. It also leverages other people. We already have the stuff for the summit!


Do you know how easy it is to do a virtual summit? I've been a part of them and it's just pre-recorded interviews, repurposed in this exact manner.


You buy the recording for $100, and it's pre-recorded. Someone's just sitting there playing the video in front of those who paid.


It's good information and it's awesome! It gives places for these people to dialogue and teach what they know. Stuff that would take us lifetimes to go learn.


I'm just trying to teach you guys my favorite method, which is: Leverage other people who are smarter than you.




Another way to pull off SLOs is with SAMPLES.


My strong encouragement to you is to NOT give it away for free. If you do, make them pay for shipping.


There's something to be said about someone who PAYS for a sample, versus somebody who just gives away samples. The intent is way different.


If they buy off of a funnel, and it's not face-to-face, make them pay.


If you are talking face-to-face with a friend, like Brian Underwood, that's a little different. There's already a relationship.

We've gotten past the question of "Are you psycho?" There's a relationship there, and they are, anyway.


Samples can be paid AND free, depending on who you're selling it to.


I am leveraging what already exists.


We have a bank of SLO ideas because there are so many of them. You can liquidate your ad costs, bring people to you, bring in better leads, qualify them along the way.




YouTube is public domain.


Meaning, if someone selected ‘Public’ when they published their video on YouTube, you can grab that URL and put it behind a member area.


I wouldn't sell it. But if I go on YouTube and I type in the word 'ketones', how many YouTube videos do you think are going to pop up? A ton.


And what order are they going to pop up in? The top-ranked ones.


I can take the top ten, fifteen, twenty public videos on YouTube and put them in a members area and tell people "Hey, opt-in right here, and I'll give you access to the member's area with the free training on ketosis."


I didn't have to create that, but I got a list out of it.


It’s such a good strategy because you don't have to create the content.


That's the point I'm trying to tell you guys. Leverage what is already out there.


I didn't create Pruvit samples. Pruvit did.


I don't know what all these experts do. They know it.


I didn't make all these YouTube videos that YouTube has ranked and said are the number one videos. YouTube did, all these other experts who posted them did.


If I'm publishing somewhere, just tell people "Hey, why don't you come in and grab my members area, right? It's free, just create a login, all you have to do is make a password. And then inside there, there are videos in there that will walk you through some of the top ketone training that's on the web today."


There are a lot of cool ways to just pull people in and teach them how to be successful.




SLOs (self-liquidating offers) you could technically do this for FREE.


But a lot of these are paid things. The point is to recoup on ad costs and make it so you can speed up your ability to speak.


Think about how to leverage what already exists.


To be an entrepreneur is to orchestrate what is already there.


You don't have to be the best trombonist, flutist, violinist, you don't have to know all the instruments. Entrepreneurs create things and this is entrepreneurship PLUS MLM.


This is direct response marketing PLUS MLM.


Think about what already exists, think about how to orchestrate it together.


Just choose one. Keep it very simple.




I've done my best to keep this podcast strictly educational and I don't pitch anybody or even tell you what MLM I'm in.


However, the number of emails, Facebook messages, text messages, people hunt my phone number down or even find my address... It's kind of insane and it's kind of become unmanageable.


If I'm going to take the show where I want to, that noise is only going to grow. So, here it is. Here's my extremely soft pitch. I'm not even going to tell you what MLM I'm in either, but if you want to join my downline or simply find out more, literally go to


Simply for transparency, when someone joins my downline, this is what they get:


Auto-lead and recruiting funnels Proven product sales funnels A thirty day step-by-step setup system Easy traffic methods Unique upline support that's been assigned to us from our MLM headquarters, which is pretty awesome.

All of what I do is not only proved by my MLM, but they consistently ask me to build funnels for the MLM itself. So again, if you wanna jump on the phone and see if it's a good fit, literally go to

This is just to direct some of the noise I personally experience as I talk about and reveal a lot of these tools that my team has access to, which I know is unconventional, it's kind of shaking the industry, which is really fun.

If you're interested in actually making MLM an asset, is where you need to go now.