I'm very excited today and I have a very special guest.


This is somebody who had been an extremely active participant in the community and, honestly, I get excited every time I see you comment.


I'm very, very pumped to have you on today. Please welcome to the show, Tricia Robino. Very excited to have you.




Tricia: Very excited to be here Steve. Thank you so much for having me.


Steve: This is going to be awesome.


A few weeks ago we were looking through and thinking “Now who would be really fun with a cool story to just bring on the show?” And immediately, Coulton was like, “Oh my gosh, you got to get Tricia on”.


That's exactly when I reached out and I’m so glad you that you could make it. Thanks for jumping on.


Tricia: Yeah, no problem.


Steve: Just so everyone gets to know you a little bit. How did you get started in MLM?


Tricia: Well that's a great story, because I'm in the wellness space just like you.


Steve: Nice.


Tricia: Just after my son was born, which was 40 years ago, I got out of shape. So I was trying to get back into shape.


I got really super hooked on the wellness industry. I was an aerobic instructor and then owned a health club.


What it came down to was, I really wanted to make money doing what I loved and so I thought it was going to be the health club.


I really wanted success and I really wanted to feel good and have people think I was doing something really, really cool. Because all my brothers and sisters, they're like CFOs, they're lawyers, they're dentists.


Steve: You have an unofficial bar, right?


Tricia: Exactly. I had this bar and so believe it or not, owning a health club was cool. And I actually was able to make money. At one point I made $10,000 a month.


Steve: Cool.



Tricia: That's kind of how I was making it. But what happened was ... Have you ever heard of this big company called 24 Hour Fitness?


Steve: No.


Tricia: Yeah, right. They opened in San Leandro. I'm in Oakland, CA.


They opened 20 minutes away from me. It exploded and this space was very difficult to make money in. I mean it was super, super hard.


And so, I went bankrupt.


Steve: Sure.


Tricia: So like all good entrepreneurs, I filed my bankruptcy.


I had to do it, but it was pretty devastating.


It was embarrassing to be quite honest with you.


My son looked up to me, I was embarrassed. It pretty much devastated my life at that point. I got a divorce. I mean it was just like that whole story of everything just fell apart.


I had $267 in the bank. My dad had to bail me out. I had to write that letter to my sisters to see who could help me.


I mean it was just really, really, rally hard.


Steve: Oh man.


Tricia: But I didn't want to get a job. I quickly realized I loved working for myself and I did not want to get a job.


I would've rather lived underneath the bridge than have to work for somebody else.


But I needed to make money... And what did I know how to do? I knew how to grow a business. I had been growing business for 13 years.


So I worked as a business consultant. Which is another way of saying, “You know I don't have a job, I don't have anything, so I'm just going to help other people make money.”


I remember the day when I picked up this book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”




Steve: It's the gateway drug for every entrepreneur.


Tricia: So I read this book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" in about three trips to the bathroom. It was like I was glued to this.


I realized that I wasn't a gym owner. I wasn't an aerobic instructor, I was this thing called an entrepreneur.


And that's when it really sunk in that I was an entrepreneur and he talked about network marketing.


I'm one of those guys that literally started looking for a network marketing company. I've been in network marketing of 16 years.


I was looking for a network marketing company. I literally recruited my upline to get me into the business, and I was 53.


So side note, I did not quit my job, which is what I always recommend to everybody. Get excited, but don't quit your job yet.


So I didn't quit my job, I kept working, but I was just in love with the whole industry. I jumped in, hook line and sinker, worked part-time with a full-time attitude.


Back then we had this incredible system, which was about lead generation, and I really loved that system because we called it scrubbing the leads.


We would have a lead come in, but we had a system where they would get more and more interest. They had to jump through hoops to get to the next level, so I knew that they weren't just sort of kind of interested.


Steve: This person's actually serious versus kind of dabbling.


Tricia: Because of the system, I was able to move up our marketing plan really fast. Everybody has different levels in their marketing plan. In 4 years, I got to the 1%.




Steve: Oh wow.


Tricia: Yeah, through a system.


Steve: Wow.


Tricia: Which was great. It was fast, but really slow at the beginning.


Steve: Sure, it felt slow I'm sure.


Tricia: It felt like I couldn't get to making even $3,000 a month.


I couldn't get to that point where I really felt like I could quit my job and literally I didn't quit my job at the very beginning because I knew that I wanted to advertise.


I've always believed in advertising, I've been an entrepreneur for a very long time. So I wanted to make sure I had some wiggle room right there.


I was finally able to quit my job. We do a lot of personal development. I hear you, I was at Funnel Hacking Live 2 times, I've been to Offer Mind, I've been to Boise to see you, so I know that you're in to that too.


Jim Rome worked with our company for years and years. So I had a chance to meet him, get to know him, spend some weekends with him.


Personal development was another reason that I moved up the marketing plan. Then things changed, right?


I've been in this industry for 16 years. Here's the thing, if you don't expect it to change, you're not going to do very well.


I change all the time, right? And to be honest, that's what makes it fun for me.


Steve: Yeah, me too.




Tricia: If you're an entrepreneur and you like change, then just keep your eyes open. So that's what I've always done.


Our model kind of changed to the point where it was more face to face. People were starting to do lots of fit camps and opening up nutrition clubs and things like that. You know I did it, but I didn't love it.


Steve: Yeah, it bothered you a little.


Tricia: I do networking marketing because I like the time freedom, I want to work from home. I travel, that's one of my passions.


You know, I really want to be able to travel and do the things that I love. It's a great model, it really works, I love face to face.


I was hearing people from the stage, all these different network marketing companies and doing so much with social media and I'm like “This really sounds like fun.”


About a year and a half ago, I got my first ClickFunnels account and that's where I heard about you. When we had the round tables and I was trying to squeeze my way into your table.


Steve: That's right as I was standing on the chair screaming?




Tricia: Yeah. But I still liked you anyway. I was like "He's my kind of guy."


I started to become acquainted with you and then as soon as I got home, I think pretty much after I got home is when you launched Secret MLM Hacks. And I was like, "Well, of course I've got to sign up for that”.


We completed the whole thing. I mean we were just like "Okay, let's do this, and we've got to do this, and he's closing it down." I can't remember what it was but-


I just have notes, upon notes, upon notes. I did it ALL.


Steve: So what's happened in your business as a result of it?


Tricia: As a result of it, I have been able to really focus on completely working online.


Steve: That's awesome.


Tricia: And I've been able to duplicate it too. I published a book and right now, I'm just finishing up. I hacked your funnel.


Steve: Good.


Tricia: So I'm just finishing up. The FREE plus shipping.


Steve: Nice.


Tricia: It's actually done. I have to just do the final touches.


Steve: Sure.


Tricia: I hooked up with Anchor and started a podcast.


Steve: Nice.


Tricia: I've done a 5 day workshop with a quiz and there’s a funnel for that.


Steve: Wow.


Tricia: I have almost finished a membership funnel. I'm working on my application funnel. I haven't completed that yet, but I have started on it. I'm doing monthly events.




Steve: For your team and such or is it for bringing in new people?


Tricia: It's to bring in new people.


Steve: That's awesome.


Tricia: I'm doing 5 day wellness workshops.


Steve: Oh cool.


Tricia: In fact this one workshop, this one group, I have over 1,100 people in it right  now.


Steve: Wow! Holy cow.


Tricia: Yeah, so that's good. I've been creating a community of brand new people. I have a community of product users. I've got a community of people who are moving up the marketing plan. I have a community of my builders. I’ve really focused and really heard you when you say it's not the WHAT, it's the WHO.


Steve: Yeah.


Tricia: So I've really been working on my WHO.


Steve: That's so cool. You've got more audiences that this has let you bring in. You can train them more. Has it helped you sell more product so far?


Tricia: Yeah, absolutely. But within the framework of how we can sell the product I have, that's going to be part of my free plus shipping for my book.


Steve: Nice. Yeah, okay. I love that. Put something in the front, you sell it all on the back anyway. Totally love that.


Tricia: Exactly. Yeah, so that's worked out really, really good.




Steve: What would you say to somebody then who's getting nervous about trying this?


This whole concept of the internet plus MLM is so foreign to so many people. What would you say to somebody who's nervous about that?


Tricia: About the internet?


Steve: Yeah, just about using it. All the tools we have, so many people are so scared of it.


Tricia: Here's my note. It works for me, and I've been able to validate those numbers and that is one of the things that I'm keeping close track of.


How much money do I spend, how many leads do I get, how many people go through my funnel, what's the end result, how much money am I making? We have people moving like they've never moved before, using social media tools.


Steve: Right, they're on fire.


Tricia: They're on fire and it's the next... I'm not even going to say it's the next new thing, it IS the new thing.


I would do it because you get everybody prepped for it. It's like you have to create the attractive character. People don't know that they're cool, you know? I didn't know I was cool until I put on my green glasses, was just myself, no apologies for anything, just have fun.


Steve: What does your upline think about all of this?


Tricia: I've got real supportive people in my organization. In fact, the person that first mentioned ClickFunnels to me, was my upline.


Steve: Oh that's awesome.


Tricia: That's never been an issue at all.




Steve: That's so awesome.


One of the big things that I hear from people when I'm talking to them about this or they're starting to see what it is that I'm proposing and they're like “What, this is so foreign.”


One of the biggest things that I hear from people, and you just kind of touched on it a little bit but they say things like “Steven, I'm nothing like you. I don't want to have to be like you in order to have success in this.”


I'm like “Whoa, that's not at all how this works, you know. You get to be you, LOUDLY"


Tricia: Not only do my clients need different personality types, and they are going to be different personality types, we all enhance each other.


In network marketing we work together and so therefore, if you have members of your team in there with new people, then the new people have everybody's story.




Steve: What would you say has been the most valuable thing so far that you've gotten from the program?


That you've actually been able to use and apply, and you're like, "Wow, that was good."


Tricia: I hear you in my head all the time. But this is something that you said at Funnel Hackers, because I was just in Nashville.


You said at Funnel Hackers and that is, “Just do the next thing.”


Just take the next step, and that is how you have set up the whole training. Especially after I have completed the program, it's like “Okay, just build one funnel. Make it good.”


Right? Then the next step is whatever that is. And when I think about “Oh Steve just says just take the next step,” I don't have to get this whole thing figured out. I just have to go to the next step, I have to get this funnel finished and launched.


I have to do the marketing for it. That's the next step and I think for me, especially as an entrepreneur, I just want to gobble up the whole horse, I think that's the thing that I hear you saying in my head the most.


Steve: Absolutely, well thank you so much and we really appreciate it. Any parting words?


Tricia: I do have one parting word, because we can make up stories about being too old or we can make up stories about not understanding technology and I just want people to understand that's just a story.


It's just a learning curve and there's so many people that are out there to help you, just dive in. Just dive in and have fun. That's the big thing, you know? Make it a fun experience.




I know it's tough to find people to pitch after your warm market dries up, right?


That moment when you finally run out of family and friends to pitch. I don't see many up lines teaching legitimate lead strategies today.


After years of being a lead funnel builder online I got sick of the garbage strategies most MLMs have been teaching their recruits for decades.


Whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to secretmlmhacks.com and join the next FREE training.


There you're gonna learn the hidden revenue model that only the top MLMers have been using to get paid regardless if you join them.


Learn the 3-step system I use to auto recruit my downline of big producers WITHOUT friends or family even knowing that I'm in MLM.


If you want to do the same for yourself, head over to secretmlmhacks.com.


Again that’s secretmlmhacks.com.