What's going on everyone? This is Steve Larson and you're listening to Secret MLM Hacks Radio. So here's the real mystery. How do real MLMers like us cheat and only bug family members and friends? You want a profitable home business, how do recruit A players into our down lines and create extra incomes, yet still have plenty of time for the rest our lives? That's the blaring question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Steve Larson, and welcome to Secret MLM Hacks Radio.


Hey, hey. So, when I was in college I started studying internet marketing shortly after in MLM actually, and I joined the MLM and there was very little guidance. I will be honest with you guys, I just did not do well in it, which made me sad. I really wanted to be successful with it. I thought it was going to be the way that would pay for our first born child that was on the way at the time, and I was very excited, and I started studying internet marketing, and I started running into these different companies that really looked like they knew what they were doing. I would compare them and compare their leaders, and stuff like that with other people and I was like, "I want to go learn more about them."


They had an event that was coming up, and I realized, "Oh, my gosh. I have got to get to this event." It's coming up in three months. I have no money, at the time I was like, "I have no money. How the heck am I to get to this event?" I had learned to build what is called a sales funnel. Basically, it's a series of webpages that are linked together that are basically to sell stuff similar to Amazon or Shopify, things like that. There's up sales and down sales an automation and email sequences, and things like that, and it's one of the major reasons why I can build an automated recruited funnel, like I have. You know, that pulls people in and auto-recruits them, and brings all the leads to me, and I don't have to go ... I hate talking on the phone. I'm terrible at talking on the phone, which is funny because I was a telemarketer, but I'm just really bad at chumming it up on the phone. For whatever reason, it totally stresses me out.


Anyway, I was like, "Hey. How do I get to this event? I can't get to this event. We have mo money. We've got nothing." So, I was like, "You know what, Robert Kiyosaki talks about the difference between rich people and poor people, even though we had no money at the time I was trying to walk the walk at least, and he says Robert Kiyosaki says, "Poor look at something and say "I can't afford that," and rich people look at something and say, "How can I can I afford that?"" I was like, "We have no money, but how can I afford this?" How can I get to this event, and for whatever reason it was so stuck in my mind, that if I could just get to this event, for whatever reason, it would be like the next platform. It would be the next catalyst. I can't explain it. It was something. It was palatable. It was something deep inside.


Like I really, really had to get to this event. It was this company's event. It was actually an event for Click Funnels, if you know who they are, 2016 their funnel hacking live event, and I was like, "I have got to get to it," and at the time I actually was working on and building the first beta version of Secret MLM Hacks. Not actually Secret MLM Hacks, but something called the Automated Down and Recruiting Funnel, and I was building the beta, and I was about to go launch it, and put it out there, and I wanted to get better, and I wanted to do awesome at it, and I knew if I got to the event, that for some reason it would be the accelerant. You guys probably know what I'm talking about. Right? I just had to be there, and I was like, "But we have no money."


So, I was like just like Robert Kiyosaki said, "There's those who have resources, and then there are those who are resourceful," and I decided to become resourceful, and I already was an individual, but I had never done it in this way before, and what I did is I started approaching businesses and building for them internet sales funnels, basically sales websites, if you don't know what those are, and I started building them in return for them buying me a plane ticket. Then I did the next one and I was like, "Hey, now will you buy me an event ticket?" Then I did the next one, and I was like, "Hey will you buy a hotel night?" You know what I mean? I literally bootstrapped my entire to that event. I knew that I needed to be there, and I told me teachers I wasn't going to be there. I was in college. I was a good student, at first I wasn't but I learned how to learn and I was getting straight A's, and I was killing it. It was awesome, and I was in the army. Life was busy.


Life was extremely busy, and what was funny is I got to the event, and I cannot explain the feeling that I had when I was there. I mean I was soaking it in, every piece. I mean I'm having a hard time describing it even on this podcast. I wanted to be at this thing so badly that I was graduating in a week from the event's time, graduating college, and I didn't care that I was graduating. I wanted to be at it so badly, that I was sacrificing whatever it took, and I was like, "You know what, I'm going to give up grades. I'm going to give up school. I'm going whatever it takes to get to this event, and if I do it, and if I go and if I'm teachable, and coachable I know something good will happen. I don't even know what. I just have this feeling that something good is going to happen." That's exactly what happened.


I got there, and it was really easy to tell the people who had not sacrificed in order to get to the event. I walked in and I still remember what the carpet even looks like, guys. I mean it's such a vivid thing. I sacrificed so much. So much of my life was poured over to me getting to this event that I mean I remember how the room smelled. That was two and a half years ago. I mean it was a long time ago, and I still remember. I walked in and I remember the first guy looked at me and he goes, "Hey, what's your name?" I said, "My name is Steve Larson," and he looked up slowly and he goes, "Are you that guy pulling off all that Star Wars ninja crap on our software?" I was like, "What do you mean?" He goes, "You are. I want you to apply here." I was like, "Holy crap," and at the time I was going to go run marketing for a company in Florida, and I had building for them, and anyway it was so much fun. It was awesome.


I took 56 pages of notes during that event. My butt was always in the seat when it needed to be. I was always attentive. I was interactive. I got up and asked questions in the middle of the event. There was 1,100 people there. I mean that was a lot of people. I mean I was so engaged in the full process. I was selling products to people. I was there. I was striking several thousand dollar deals. I was in. I was indoctrinated. I gave up parts of my life. I gave up comfort. I gave up time, freedom. I gave up friend time. I didn't really have that many because I was like, "I am going to go and just make this happen. I don't know what it's going to take, but I am going to do it. Get out of my way." Does that make sense?


What I want to talk to you about today, even though I have been talking about it is power of events. Events for whatever reason stick strong in people's minds, and they make time for them. They put stuff aside for them. They sacrifice personal time, family time, comfort. They go through pain. They do things that they would not otherwise do. When you create an event that is worthwhile attending, you create something that it actually has the power to change somebody's life, and I always hate when people say this stuff, "Maybe you this could change your business or change your life." I get it. I understand why they're saying it, but it was true. It was real, because I had done my part, and if you can put on an event, and you can put things on inside, and I'm not telling you that you go to go.


Let's say you're brand new. I'm not telling you got to go fill a room with 1,100 people, but you can still create events virtually online, or you can still create events where they do fly out to you, or maybe they are all, you know what I mean? You can still create something as an event, and all good marketers leverage the crap out of events. You're going to go launch a product? Let's go make an event around it. That's what movie previews are. Hollywood does that all the time. They create events. Guys, guess what this movie is going to launch on December 21, and here's the preview. It's coming in six months. Wow. You know what I mean? People step back they're like, "Oh, my gosh. Look at this preview," and they share it all over the place, and they create the buzz, and they create the anticipation, and people are like, "Oh, my gosh. Look at the community that's put around this thing. This is so much press around this. This is so cool. Why is it only November?" They're counting down and they're marking stuff off on their calendar, and they're buying pre-tickets early.


They're behavior changes because of their excitement, and if you can create that inside you MLM, the feelings of those things. Man, the first MLM I joined was so freaking boring. They had an event, and I could tell it was exciting, but there were no event like things happening, event like activities happening in my team, and no wonder people had a hard time. So, maybe once a month you go out, and you have an event as a team where you go for one day, and all you do is you call people together because it is funner, or more fun. You go out and you create events with people in your down line or in your up line, or whoever, inside your company to keep the momentum going. That's one of the ways you get the motivation up. High schools literally call them pep rallies. There's place for that in business. There's place for that in big corporates. My dad was an executive at IBM, and he's a software architect and there were computers all around me growing up. It's one of the reasons I like them so much, and use them and know a lot about them.


It was because they were just all over the place. We had computers everywhere. We built a massive in home network in our house before wifi was a thing. We did a lot of stuff, and even in IBM, they would go out and these massive ridiculous parties in Vegas for their employees, and everyone's turning to the event. Everyone's excited. It is important. You have to look forward to certain things. Even in the army when I was in basic training, I would look forward to certain events, "Oh my gosh, guys grenade throwing is coming up! It's in three weeks. I can withstand this massive torture push up routine they're making me go through right now, because I know that's coming up." You know what I mean? That's why you do it, because for your people you are creating excitement. You are creating reliance to pain. You are creating inside themselves, gusto. You know what I mean? You're creating for them this attitude that's a fighter. This attitude that is willing to go out, and no one wants to look stupid in front of other people.


So, they'll go out and they'll do things that they would not they would not otherwise do so they can have things to talk about at the event. Does that make sense? So find some way to use events. So, speaking of the launch that I'm going through right now, right? My plan has been to launch this product in mid-October, and it's taken a little bit longer than I wanted to, but I was like, "You know what? I don't just want to open the gates. How can I create an event around the launch?" So, what I'm doing is four weeks before the launch, it's supposed to be next Monday, which is why I'm doing this podcast, because I might have to change it because I'm just not ready, and that's okay. It's pushed me super hard, and I've gotten farther than if I didn't have this deadline.


I might push back like two weeks or something like that, and that's okay. I'm actually very okay with that, because I feel really good. I feel very satisfied emotionally that I've been just crushing it, and I've been creating a lot of cool stuff that I know is going to change MLM industry that nobody's ever taught inside of MLM. I am so freaking out and passionate about this, because I never had anyone in my [demo 00:12:29] teach this. I have literally combed the internet, and I cannot find somebody, and my job is on the internet. I know how to search the internet pretty deeply, and I can't find people who do this stuff, and this is new stuff that has never been inside the MLM world ever. I put my whole integrity behind that because I just can't find it. I'm so excited to show it. So, I'm okay, if I got to push it back. That's okay, but what I'm doing is I'm creating an event.


So, let's say, just for the podcasts sake as it currently stand I'm launching this about mid-October, but I want to make the launch an event. So, what can I do? Well, four weeks beforehand what I'm going to start doing, I'm going to start Facebook living every single day, and I'm going to start doing very specific Facebook ads targeting two other audiences who also like MLM, and I'm giving away free stuff. There's no pitch. There's nothing. It's literally to help buzz happen. Right? I'm going to do that for three weeks. The week before I launch, I'm going to go through what is called the seven day launch. The seven day launch is a very specific sequence that you do in internet marketing or even offline in different places, but it's a very specific sequence that you do that creates such bond with the actual product that it creates a floodgate effect.


I don't have time to go into what it actually is. Maybe we will on another podcast, but it creates a floodgate effect, and that's what I'm trying to do, because of course I want to sell it. I want to get this stuff out there, and if there is no exchange then people aren't going to use it. So they have to pay. You know what I mean? How am I going to that? Well, I got to show them that it's amazing, and that it's never been created before and that no one's ever done this stuff, and that they can automate the recruiting inside their business. That's ridiculous. Nobody's ever really actually pulled that off. There is some people who kind of talk about it a little bit, but there's still weirdness behind some of it. Anyway, this is a very value first way and method towards actual recruiting in an automated fashion.


So, anyway, very excited for it. So, what I'm trying to tell you is that when you're out and you're recruiting, or when you're out and let's say that, and you know what you're a business owner. Right? You own basically a franchise of your MLM. So, what is a business owner going to do? Let's say once a month they've got some crazy special sale. Let's say that once very so often, I'll tell you one of the cool things you can do is demonstrate or consume your product live. Answer questions live. Teach about it live. So many false beliefs and so many concerns will be answered by you merely consuming your product live where people can ask you stuff, and there's vulnerability on your side. You're telling stories, and you're telling testimonials, and you're showing how to use it, and how to be successful with it.


I know a company that made $3 million in a year on that one tactic, just showing their stuff live, because it was an event. I hope I wasn't beating a dead horse. I hope that stuck home what I was trying to say. That there is massive power in events, and if you can get them right, and if you can use it, you will harness so much market pressure in your favor, and I'm excited for you to do that. So, start thinking to yourself, "What can I do to create some kind of a launch for my thing, or what can I do to create some kind of event?" You know what, if it is going to be a launch or some kind of event. There's always pre-launches. There's a pre-launch party. There's a post-launch party. There's always an excuse. How many times do you see places like Kohl's or other department stores not have sales? They always have a sale. They always figure it is on sale.


Guys, it's going to be the October sale. You know what guys, this is the Thanksgiving sale. You know what's coming up? It's the December sale? Hey guys, everyone, it's January. New Year's Eve sale. All right. There's always a sale. Care dealerships are huge on this. Guys, come on in for our early spring sale. You're always going to find some reason for an event. That's a live example of what I'm talking about. So, start doing that with your people in motivating, in recruiting, in selling. Find out how to be an event thrower, and you will become very naturally a marketer. All right guys. Hopefully that's helpful I'll talk to you later. Bye.


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