Woo hoo, what's going on everyone? This is Steve Larsen and you're listening to Secret MLM Hacks Radio, oh yeah. Here's the real mystery, how do real MLMers like us read and cheat and only bug family members and friends who want to grow a profitable home business? How do we recruit A players into our down lines and create extra incomes yet still have plenty of time for the rest of our lives? That's the blaring question in this podcast we'll give you the answer. My name is Steve Larsen and welcome to Secret MLM Hacks Radio.


Hey, I still jam out to my own intro, I love it. Had a lot of fun making it. Hey guys, I'm glad you're here. It's been a busy week. A lot of stuff, busy weekend. A lot of stuff has been happening. I pretty much spent the entire weekend either filming or preparing to film. What I've been filming is if you guys have been following this podcast at all, you know that I have a really awesome course coming out that basically helps you learn how to automate the recruiting process. It actually literally helps me automate the down line duplication process, pretty amazing, but in order for you to actually do that, there's a lot of elements you had to go through.


Anyway, what I did is I spent a lot of time this weekend getting together. I actually printed out these massive three foot by three foot boards and what happened, it was about a week ago I stood up and I was like, "Hey, I'm ready." The course is ready to go, this whole thing has been in beta for the last year. Now, great results, had a ton of people get recruited to what I do without actually me even talking to them. I mean, the process works, I know it works. What I've been doing is just putting into a format course-wise that is easy to digest but then also go and apply so that you can do the same thing. I was like, "Hey, I'm ready to do this." I set up this home studio.


I told some of this to you guys earlier but I set up my home studio. I got a few softbox lights and got my camera set up. I've done this several times before in creating info products and such. This time it's a little bit different though because I stood up and it was like, there's like a big brain fog. I was like, "Something is missing." The framework is missing. I understand, I was like, "Hey, I know each of these modules are going to be about but what ... How should I start this? What's the thing that's going to help everyone understand?" What I did is I sat down and I acted like a kid, I'm a kid at heart till I die and I started drawing and I drew out a picture that represents each one of the modules.


It became so much clearer, holy crap, to both teach and I know it will be easier to understand and it will be easy, you know what I mean? Anyway, super exciting, very, very exciting. What I did though is first I drew them out. I'm not an artist at all, right? I just grabbed a legal piece of paper, a legal pad, and just drew it all out and I made the graph and I was like, I should go find some graphic artist to make, basically to draw out these images, hand draw them and try to make them at least look somewhat good. I went through and I just could not find anyone good. I went through and I was like hiring this person, hiring this person, I was on Freelancer.com just like hiring out all these people and it was terrible.


Finally, I found some guy. He went through and he sketched it out and with literally hours to spare I went over to Kinko's and I print these massive three foot by three foot board so anyway it was a long story but that's what's been going on over here. I just barely filmed the intros to each one of these modules and I'm super excited. It was cool because every single time, this is why I always encourage anyone who's done MLM to go start publishing and I know I've said that before in a very recent episode but when you do so, you learn your craft so much deeper than if you just kept it inside your own head. The ability to go teach somebody else, here's an example, I was in the army for a little, all right?


There was a guy, we're out shooting one day, we were shooting and we're practicing, we're holding our M16s, we're out there, we're shooting and that was a pretty good shot. I only missed a few rounds when I was at basic training and I won a phone call home which was cool. I won the phone call home. I shot, I wouldn't say a ton but I did shoot quite a bit growing up and I always had a fascination with guns. Anyway, I was shooting and I was in the army. I'm shooting and I hit my targets, I got really nice grouping and the guy next to me, he's not even hitting the paper. I was like, "Dude, are you okay?" He's like, "Yeah, I don't know what's going on, man." I look over and he's like, "My gun won't fire, man. My riffle is not shooting."


I was like, "What is going on?" I was like, "It's so weird." I look over at him and we're really, really close to each other so every time he shoot, the little shells and I promise that I'm going to a place with the story, okay? Just bear with me for a second. Every single one of the rounds would hit me in the face and they are hot, they're coming out of the chamber basically, they are right out of the magwell. They come and they hit me in the face from the guy on the left, that's the way that you eject and I notice that the guy to my right, there's no ammo coming out. He was not shooting. I look over and he's like, "What is wrong, man?" He's getting really frustrated and I look and his magazine is not only upside down it's also backwards.


The bullets were literally facing him. I was like, "Dude, what are you doing?" He's like, "Oh, sorry man. Okay, sorry about that." He's really, really embarrassed because he kept acting all macho like he knew what he's doing and so I helped him actually load his weapon. He start shooting, he start shooting and he's literally not hitting any of the paper at all. I was like, "What is going on?" I lean over, I was like "Dude, are you okay? You're not even hitting the paper," let alone any kind of grouping. He's like, "I don't know what's happening, man. I'm looking through my sights, I'm seeing it all," and I lean over I was like, "Man, the front sight is up but the back sight isn't," which basically means the back is all free flowing I mean, the bullets could go anywhere at that point, right.


I was like, I have flipped up that back sight and he start shooting and he's still not hitting the paper. I was like, "What is going on?" I look and his settings are set to 500 meters rather than 300 meters, basically it means these bolts are lobbing way over top of the paper. I was like, "What the heck?" You know what's funny though is the process of me doing that, of going side by side with him like that. I learned my own riffle even more deeply and I already knew those concepts but because I was able to teach, because I was able to be a coach I was also able to understand more of my own craft. When you go out and you start teaching people and you start telling people about the MLM, you start saying, "Hey, this is amazing.


This is something, it's very, very helpful for you to go start publishing," because you learn with your own thing and so that's what happened I mean, the last few days especially. I was standing up in front of the camera and I was like, "Hey, I got this cool thing coming up," anyway, I finally got them printed out in these massive three foot by three foot boards. It's really, really helpful to do that. The first module is all about how you become attractive, it's all about how you attract people to you through several different ways. In each of these modules are several hours. They are massive, they're going to be really, really helpful, they are super cool. I'm really excited to make them.


The second one is all about how you get paid to prospect so even if someone doesn't join your MLM, you actually get money. I'll tell you, from personal experience, with no ad spent last year, this system made for me 50 grand, $50,000 even when someone didn't even join I was still getting paid. It's going to show you how to do that, how do you actually get paid when you prospect people. The third module is all about how you actually duplicate yourself. What actually is it that you need to do in order to become duplicatable, such a good module. Massive, anyway. No one teaches this stuff, this is why I get so animated about it because I don't know, anyway, whatever.


Module four, what I'm doing is I'm showing more about down line management and simple tweaks you can do both to your culture, both to yourself, that will keep people with you longer and keep them engaged in your process but then also specifically how you can, there's a really easy way to rob your down line that most people don't think about and I want to show you how to not do that which actually results in more money too, which is awesome. Then, the fifth module that was all about how you, I call it pick up your megaphone. Anyway, I don't want to jump more into that but anyway so I'm super stoked so there's a picture now for each one of these things. While I was teaching, my own craft became more clear to me.


It happens every single time. It's kind of a roundabout way of me bringing this full circle so I'm sorry, I know, kind of been scatterbrained all over the place for this episode but I learned that there's really only two currencies that you have in MLM. There's only two. There's only two advantages you can really have inside of MLM, right. Here's number one. You guys obviously know this because it's something I talk about all the time, you have the same product as every other person. The exact same marketing, same messaging, same website, same scripts, literally you get MLM and it's broken out of the box.


In my opinion, very strong opinion, very backed up opinion, MLM is broken out of the box. You get something that's pretty broken. Number one, one of your currencies, one of the things that you have that's a value the others are not going to be able to have or not have as easily or something that makes you stand out. One of your currencies is your ability to take that MLM and turn it into a new offer. How can I make and make it seem like if I join your MLM, how you're going to make me feel like that's a new opportunity? How you're going to make me feel like that's something that's brand new?


You know, that's what the course goes over to but how amazing is that? Just to realize, "Oh my gosh, that's one of the currencies I have." That's one of the pieces of value. If you can figure that out, you're going to have people running to you and begging to join your down line which is what's been happening to me which is really exciting, right? Now again, I'm not here to like, "Look at me versus you," that's not what I'm talking about but I'm just trying to show you what I've been doing that's been working. It's awesome. Anyway, number one, the first currency you have, the first real piece of value you have and the opportunity you have is how do I make it seem like joining my MLM, how do I make it seem like joining my MLM is a new opportunity.


How do I create an offer out of that? Okay. If you can create an offer out of your MLM that's massive, massive value. Now, someone said to me recently because I was talking to them about it, they're like, "Wait a second, but my MLM is the offer." No, no, no, no it's not. Go back and listen to a few, I can't remember what it was, a few episodes ago I talk about how you create an offer out of your MLM. The course goes way more in depth with checklist and everything. How do we make a new opportunity out of ... How do I make an offer out of a product? Usually an offer is made up of whole bunch of tiny products, right.


They are a whole bunch of products and the value of them together is far more than what you're actually charging, that make sense? When someone joins your MLM you might say, "Hey, when you join my MLM you get X, Y, and Z with it," meaning I'll give you this course that teaches how to talk to people or I'll give you this CD, you know what I'm saying? That's how you take and you package that together and you say, "Hey, look, you want to join the MLM?" You're not bribing them, it's literally part of the offer. Does that make sense? Anyway, that's the first currency. Currency number one, how do you become a new opportunity, how to create a new offer, make it seem exciting like you're different from everybody else like no one else can do what you have. Does that make sense? How do you do that?


All right, that's currency number one. That's the first piece of value. The second piece is you as a leader. Currency number one, how do I make my MLM seem like a new opportunity? That's one of the upper hands you have on every other person out there. The other thing that you have and in my opinion, the only other thing you have is you as a leader. There are some people who are so convincing in whatever they argue that even if they're wrong you still believe them. Does that make sense? We call that the attractive character. If your attractive character is so confident, right, absolute certainty and you're showing your back story and you're talking about things you believe and don't believe meaning you're showing polarity and you're showing your back stories and all the parallels and all the things that ...


I mean, if you're an actual leader, that is a currency in MLM but most people aren't and most people don't want to be or they'll just, "Hey, this is a get rich quick thing, I just got to get a few people in there to make tons of money in a few years," that's not how it works. What the course also goes through is how to become that kind of person and hey, it's a formula honestly and how you appear to be like that. Guess what, I was not this way even a year and a half ago. Me being a super forward and being more, my polarity has increased and it's because of a formula that I've been following that I teach inside the upcoming course which is awesome.


Anyway, those are the two currencies though. Number one, think yourself why would somebody join me over somebody else, and if you can't answer that question then you seem and you're going to appear just like everybody else. Sad truth, hard truth, but it's a truth. That make sense? Number two, the second piece of currency you have is are you a leader. Are you somebody that other people follow? If you can't answer that question, guess what? I don't believe that leaders are just born, you become one. I was voted the nicest kid in high school on my graduating class out of 600 people, the nicest kid. Guess what? It was not because I was nice. It was because I was really shy. I had a fear of adults, very strong fear of adults.


I always thought they're always right, that I always had to kowtow to them, that make sense? There's something to be said about respect for sure and I'm not telling that to go respect adults or whatever. You know, obviously I am one but you know what I mean? I had this really, I mean it was bad. I had to overcome that. If you don't feel like you're a leader, if you don't feel like you're an attractive character, that's okay. There is a formula to it. Okay? If you start hitting these points and you start to actually get some motivation behind it, people are going to start following you because you will become, there's a science to becoming an attractive character and actual science to it.


Anyway, those are the parts I'm going to go through. Hopefully this episode, I know it's a little bit scatterbrained but that's where my thoughts have been and I think that it's going to be really, really helpful to some people who might still be struggling with some of the concepts I talk about on this podcast and more specifically the depth I'm about to jump into with this actual course. Go figure all the things that I talk about inside of Secret MLM Hacks. They are all marketing principles and I'm teaching you actually how to market inside of an MLM so anyway, excited you're here, glad you're here. Hopefully that helps. Again, think through how you can create a new offer.


Number two, think through how you can become an actual leader, a more strong leader, one that is not afraid to stand up in any kind of opinion. It's important to become opinionated, very opinionated in what you do. That doesn't mean we have to be a jerk but you know what I mean? Anyway, hey guys, thanks so much. Hopefully this has been helpful and I will talk to you in the next episode. Bye. Hey, hey, hey. Thanks for listening. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback for me. Do you have a question you want answered live on the show? Go to secretmlmhacksradio.com to submit your question and download your free MLM master's pack.