In this episode, I talk about creating a unique offer to stand out amongst other network marketers and your upline.

In MLM, if somebody walked up to you right now and you were hanging out with your upline or downline and said, “You know what, I'd like to buy.” And there indeed are people out there who just are looking for your product and they truly want to purchase it - They'll just be the easy laydown sales. 

But if you're hanging out with a bunch of other people who are your upline or downline and they're looking at you and they say: “Who should I buy from?” Does it matter to the customer and the outcome they're trying to get as to who they buy from? No, but it definitely matters to you guys - It has a bearing on the money you make.

So what you need to sit back and think is: “Well, how can I make myself different? I'm going to make myself stand out amongst the crowd to actually go and be successful with this.”

Your product delivers solutions to people, but it also causes problems that they never had before. Every single solution that you deliver to a customer, whether it's the opportunity or it's the product itself, has a bunch of follow-up problems with it, and you need to understand that clearly, and I want you to know that it's actually an opportunity.

What are the top three issues that your product causes for people? Once you've got a list of those follow-up issues, you're going to start brainstorming how you could solve them. And then build a bonus around it to be given away when somebody joins you. 

What I came to realize with time was that in the network marketing space, the MLM space, if somebody wanted to join my team or buy the product from me, I needed to stand out. And in Secret MLM Hacks, I want to teach you how to do that, so stay tuned.

Key Takeaways:

Your upline and downline are competition for you (5:46) Think about all the problems your product causes for people once they buy it (6:23) Quickly write down on a piece of paper the follow-up problems (7:26) Give away a bonus that solves those problems for somebody when they join you (10:16) Being unique and standing out amongst your upline and your downline (11:04) It's not that people don't want to buy or they hate to be sold. It’s just that you're not good yet at being a marketer, at standing out, and at out-valuing the competition (13:52)


Additional Resources:


Whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to and join the next FREE training.

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