When you sell a product to somebody, that's half the battle. It's a completely different thing to get them to use the product.

Well, there’s a danger if your customers don't actually use the product. If they don't use the product, it means you don't get any testimonials because you're not getting any success stories. People think that it doesn't do everything that you thought it would. They even start to wonder why they're paying you.

People don't think it could do everything that you say it does because they're not using it, so they don't get success with it. So it's one thing, like I said, for you to sell the product, and that's completely another thing for them to actually go use it. 

And because of that, onboarding systems are the best way. So when you're going out and about and you're actually selling the product, the easiest thing for you to go and do is to learn how to onboard people, not just sell them.

For any product that I sell, there is a written-out onboarding system as well as a written-out usage system.

You’ve got to encourage people to actually use the thing that they're buying. One of the biggest ways a lot of MLMs have grown is by combining the power of their sales and onboarding systems. Stay tuned as I walk you through how onboarding goes on to fuel product sales and recruiting.

Key Takeaways:

A challenging aspect of any business: Getting people to use the product they buy (1:47) Having a unique standalone system around selling any product, not just recruiting (4:09) It's common for new people in any MLM to freak out over the sale (4:44) How ClickFunnels encourages you to use their software with a challenge (6:14) Make sure whatever it is that you sold also comes with an instruction manual (8:27) A bite-size, day-by-day challenge or some other sequence for the onboarding (8:48) These bite-size things increase the consumption of the product… (9:48) As new customers take these tiny steps, it triggers those feel-good hormones (11:04)


Additional Resources:



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