I'm very excited to share with you today's episode all about how to make strategic noise.

I'm gonna share with you a video ad we created recently, AND teach you a little bit more about the script that we used to make it.

I know I've talked about this a little bit in a previous episode (or two) about how we wrote the script for themlmfunnel.com ad.

Go to themlmfunnel.com if you wanna look at it.

But I'm actually gonna put it right here in this episode!

And the ONLY reason is because I want you to watch what I'm doing.

I couldn’t care less if you actually go get the thing that it's promoting.

What I want you to see is how I'm using things that people are already familiar with in their ads.


I have been studying more P.T. Barnum…

And if you do not know who he is, P.T. Barnum is famous for his circus that he created. He's The P.T. Barnum Circus.

But he didn't start doing that till later on in his life…

He had a museum that he would promote… And he's kind of a serial entrepreneur.

One of the things that P.T. Barnum was most known for was his bizarre ways of gaining attention.

And to be a marketer is to be an attention-getter.

THAT’S what I'm gonna show you guys in this ad.


One of the things that he did way back in the mid 1800s when he had this museum was, he went and he found this homeless guy…

He walked up to the homeless guy, and he told him to:

Every hour, on the hour, several times a day, carry these bricks… He was supposed to put a brick on the corner of all these streets around the museum… And walk around, every so often, throughout the day, take one brick and replace it with the one that's on another street corner… Then walk to the next corner, and replace that brick with another one… And go to the next corner, without saying anything…

… That was it.

Then he was supposed to go drink and take a nap.

It was only 30 minutes before this bizarre act was causing attention around his museum, and thus he would get more sales.

I think he paid him 15 cents an hour to do this.

He did A LOT of really bizarre, random things. He was the first one to bring an ELEPHANT to America.

He's the first one to do a lot of things.

And what he was great at was using strategic noise.


I believe the world is noisy already… I'm not telling you to make strategic noise for noise's sake.

However, to be a marketer…

Multi-level marketer Network marketer

... You are a marketer, but the industry is mis-named.

It is largely mis-named, because they're like, "You can only use these kinds of noise."

And it's not really strategic noise… It's like a whisper.

I want you to see how I am creating noise.

This will make sense when you actually watch it.

I'm doing bizarre things… And you don't need an explanation.

People NEED curiosity in their lives. They WANT excitement.

I challenge you: To watch what I'm doing and how I'm orchestrating it.

HINT: Don't stop when you see me get to the offer ;)

I strongly encourage you to go and watch the YouTube version of this podcast episode because you’ll actually SEE the ad…

The jump cuts How fast we did

I had a professional video ad team follow me around for a day. We shot this ad and we've been going back and forth on different cut styles, when to take this out, and put this in, and what kind of words to put on the screens etc.

I'm using an actual script in my head… And then I'm doing a few weird, bizarre things that make no sense for the sake of gaining attention.


In the ad, I'm also making fun of a few things that are widely known inside of MLM.

Q: Why would I do that?

A: Because they're widely known inside of MLM.

One of my favorite Shark Tank episodes was where they turned down funding for this guy because… They loved his product, they liked him, they thought it was amazing.

BUT the only reason why none of them funded him is because of this…

This is what he said. "I like it, I like you, it's amazing. The only issue is it would cost millions of dollars to educate the market, in order for them to buy this."

I was like, "Oh man, that's a powerful statement right there."

You don't have to be this prolific genius. The market will tell you what’s already known.

If you're like, “How do I make ads for this or that?”, “How do I gain attention?”, “How do I gain more noise?”

You need to join in the place where they already are, and then take them to a new spot.

Watch the ad and I want you to do something for me…

When you learn something cool or observe something, please pause it and take notes.

One of the ways I learned how to write scripts in my early days was to watched A LOT of videos. I would press play and then press pause and write it down.

Q: Did that take few hours?

A: Yeah, it did. Actually, sometimes it'd take a few days.

But I internalized it on such a deep level. It meant I could replicate it and do the same, which is why we're doing all this.

Take out a piece of paper.


What I'm good at is causing buying emotions.

When you start to feel the buying emotions, pause and take note as to why you're feeling the buying emotion.

This is one of the greatest educations I could give you on this podcast.

Make notes when you:

Start to feel the buying emotions Learn something new When you see something bizarre

I'm doing this to fight false beliefs and poke fun of certain things.

But there's a spot where I switch gears and start pitching. Watch that.

Try and answer these questions:

Why am I pitching what I am? Who am I pitching it to? Who do you think my target buyer is?

… Thinking this way turns you into a marketer.

You DID NOT become a marketer because you joined MLM.

I needed to turn you into a marketer.

Dissect this ad and go slow. Watch what I do to create scarcity and urgency.

What do I do to walk them through buying?

What do I do afterwards for all the knee-jerk reactions I know people are gonna have when they watch it.

Watch it the whole way through… Do it a few times because it's very, very powerful.

It's gonna be powerful for you seeing how us marketers actually orchestrate strategic noise.


Is success in MLM even possible today?

Well, let me ask you this….

Will this TV blow up with four pounds of explosives under it?



I'm Steve, and MLM is stuck in the '90s!

HELLO, the Internet is here!

MLM is loaded with old and outdated methods, like…

The three-way phone call!

"Hey, you wanna make some money? I don't know how it works, but you gotta talk to this guy. Let me three-way you in."

OR making a huge list of your friends and family that are uninterested and bugging them…

The next question I have to answer is, “What island will I buy?!”

OR have you ever attended one of those home parties that turns out to be fake?

"Thanks all for coming to my party. I can't wait for you all to buy my product and fuel my future and retirement, 'cause I really haven't learned how to sell."

"This party sucks!"

I'm totally kidding… But serious.


The point is that us Internet marketers are playing the MLM game completely different than you've likely been taught.

So to be clear, YES, I am in an MLM and I'm actively building…

And YES, I'm actually using the Internet to do so.

That whole thing that you can't use the Internet in your MLM…

… It's how I'm using the Internet and Facebook and funnels that might surprise you.

While I personally sell a lot of programs and courses about my own MLM methods, the purpose and point of this video is to show you another new fascinating book that will help walk you into modern MLM.

It's called Network Marketing Secrets and it's by Russel Brunson.

While old-school MLM tactics can work, it's like putting Han Solo against Superman.

Come on, CGI is here.



Network Marketing Secrets will teach you how we're really recruiting online, automated, without talking to anybody.

Q: Steve, why are you doing this?

A: Well, the hope is that you go buy this book, make fat stacks of cash with it, and then you can use some of that money to buy my programs.

What I'm gonna do is, I'm actually going to bribe you to buy this book through my affiliate link

Let's go check out these bonuses I got for you guys so that I can ethically bribe you to come get this.


Here's what you guys are gonna get when you guys get the Network Marketing Secrets book by clicking the link down below.


1. You guys are gonna get the Recruiting Funnel video course.

One of the things that I've become known for is how I recruit, and while I've been filming this video ad in front of you guys right now, I've had people joining my downline automatically.

If you guys wanna see how I do that, I recorded my screen and how I actually set up these recruiting funnels.

The benefit of that is that this took me a couple years to figure out in all the finer points.

You guys are literally gonna watch me, in front of a live audience, go build my recruiting funnel - My auto-recruiting funnel.

Super cool, right?

Total value: $497

I'm pumped for you guys to have it.


So you guys get the Recruiting Funnel video course.

Then I was like, “What else can we do? How else can we over-deliver on this?”

If you guys choose to go get this book by clicking the link down below…


2. I'm gonna give you guys the Recruiting Funnel video course, but you're also going to get… The pre-built recruiting funnel template.

I don't want you to watch this video course and then say, "Stephen, but you're a professional funnel builder. Of course you can pull that off."

So what we did is, my team and I, we just went through and pre-built one for you that you can just download.

You can get the recruiting funnel video course AND the pre-built recruiting funnel templates.

Total value: $1,000

We're excited to give you that away for FREE.


If you choose to get the Network Marketing Secrets book through my link.

What else do you need?

What else can I give you guys?

3. We're gonna give you ON TOP OF THAT… Hack MLM.

It is the downline onboarding template that I personally use.

When somebody joins my downline… What I really do with them is NOT MUCH.

What I did instead is, I filmed a 30-day video course walking them through how our:

Back office works Products work What the bonus structure is like

All the stuff that everybody asks anyway!

What I did is, I filmed a course walking them through that…

And then I was like, "Well, what if I was to give everybody in my downline the recruiting funnel and all these things as well?"

What you’Re gonna see is the course that I hand off and is automatically given to my downline so that they're auto-trained.

This has truly become an automated asset for me.

We're gonna give you a ticket so you can check that out as if you were part of my downline and watch how I'm actually recruiting and then training my personal team.


You’re gonna get the…

Recruiting funnel video course Pre-built recruiting funnel template, so you have the template. Also inside Hack MLM, you have access to seeing how I personally am training those that I go and recruit because we're auto recruiting DAILY.

What else can I give you?

4. We are going to give you a discount ticket to OfferMind.

What I'm doing right here in front of you… Most people don't know how to do.

I wanna help you guys make sexy offers for whatever MLM network marketing company, direct sales company you’re in.

I'm gonna show you guys how to go and create an offer that's sexy and show you how to sell it.

YES, this works in MLM.

It's what I'm doing NOW.

This works, no matter what you're in…

Whether you sell online or offline…

I want you to come to an event called OfferMind…

And we're gonna give you guys a special discount code so you can come as my guest at a discounted rate than everyone else is gonna pay to be there.

Very stoked about it.

This is my yearly events.

It's gonna be 1000 people who are really pumped about it.

So you guys will get the…

Recruiting funnel video course Pre-built recruiting funnel template Hack MLM downline onboarding (the actual one that I gave my very team) Discount ticket to come to OfferMind so you can make sexy offers that will make you stand out and unique amongst all of your upline and your downline. MLM FUNNEL VIDEO AD

… What else can I give you?

How can I over deliver?

I wanna give you guys the MLM book funnel breakdown.

When you guys actually click the link down below, what's gonna happen is…


It's gonna take you over to another page It'll say, "Hey, put your email in. Put your email in so we know where to send you these bonuses." All you're gonna do is get the book on the next page that shows up. I thought, "Self, why don't you go and record yourself doing a breakdown of that funnel?" So you guys are gonna walk through a funnel from Russell Brunson. I was his funnel brother for two years. I put almost 500 funnels under my belt while I was working over there. What I'm gonna do is, I have a cool video course for you as well walking through how to go and actually build an MLM book funnel. Now, I'm gonna break it down, show you what he's doing step by step, and if you're lucky, we'll have a few of the actual nuggets in there that I wanna tell you about here.

I'm actually super psyched for you guys to have this. There's a lot of MLMers who get big by writing their own book…

When you do that, or if you ever choose to, how do you actually sell this on the internet in an effective manner?

That's what I'm gonna teach you here inside the MLM book funnel breakdown.

Very, very excited to do that.

Total value: $197


To recep, you’re gonna get the…

Recruiting funnel video course Pre-built recruiting funnel template Hack MLM downline onboarding (this is how I do it personally in my team as well, amongst these as well) I'm gonna give you a discount code for my OfferMind event so you can come as a guest and be discounted and be there for two days, learn how to create a cool, sexy offer for your MLM upline and downline. MLM book funnel breakdown

Total value: $2,138

We're very stoked for you guys to have this.

All you have to do is get THIS.

Literally, all you're gonna do is go click the button below this video.

Put in your email…

It's gonna say, "Hey, where would you like us to send your bonuses when you go get this book?"

Put in your email address and buy the book.

… I think it's seven bucks.

Then all you do is your FREE bonuses, we release weekly.

I just take the list of those who've been buying it through me, and we give you access.

**Watch your email because all those bonuses I was just sharing with you will be kept inside your own members area.**


Just to recap again… You're gonna get:

The recruiting funnel video course The pre-built recruiting funnel template (the very ones that I use and hand off to my downline, it's very awesome). The Hack MLM downline onboarding course. A discount ticket to OfferMind, so you can learn how to make sexy offers. The MLM book funnel template

Total value: $2,138

Just click the link below and then put in your email address and buy the book.


The bonuses will show up on a weekly basis.

"But Steve, I love the way my MLM has been teaching me to recruit and sell."

Yeah, things that are comfortable can be cute, but what has it ever done for you?

"But Steve, if it's not broke, don't fix it, right?"

"Alright, but no one's buying 100 pound TVs anymore.”

Guys, MLM has changed!

The internet is here.

Regardless of what your friends or family say, your up or downline, corporate HQ, or your dog says… Internet is part of the MLM business.

So, congrats. Throw a party because you're about to learn how big MLMers actually do this.


The biggest question I get is: “Steve, how are you using the internet for your personal MLM today?”

To be clear, I am, but it's HOW that matters, and it's HOW that you're probably interested in.

Facebook doesn't easily let you drive ads to MLM, and most MLMs won't let you say their name on the internet, which is stupid.

Despite that, I am using the internet to grow my personal downline and sell products.

MLM is changing, and you're probably feeling that, right? It's why I created a mini-course… To show you HOW I'm doing this all today.

It's called The MLM Funnel and you can get it at themlmfunnel.com.

I'm doing this because you might not know WHERE to start in all of this and, secondly, because there's a cool new book by Russell Brunson called Network Marketing Secrets that I want you to go get.

He's a cool guy, so I'm talking about this book a lot lately. I'm also going to give you a little bribe so you go get the book through my link.

How evil of me.

When you go to themlmfunnel.com and get Russell's new book, Network Marketing Secrets, I'm going to give you my Pre-built Recruiting Funnel Template, the Hack MLM Downline Onboarding Course, which is how I auto-train my downline when they join my team.

ALSO, a discount ticket to my next event called OfferMind so that you can learn to outvalue your upline and downline.

If you want all this for FREE, just go to themlmfunnel.com now and get a crash course into prebuilt funnel templates that I'm using with my own downline now.

Again, just go to themlmfunnel.com and buy Russell Brunson's new book there, and I'll send you all those bonuses for free.