Bill C. Potts is a five-time cancer survivor currently living with incurable cancer. He has written a book similar to What to Expect When You're Expecting - but for cancer. His book, Up for the Fight, How to Advocate for Yourself as You Battle Cancer, was inspired by a suggestion from the Mayo Clinic to turn his pain into purpose and to help others who are in the cancer club. Bill is the father of twin girls and a son. Married 32 years to his amazing wife Kim, Bill is a family man, entrepreneur and marketing executive.

Bill works hard to live a healthy, active lifestyle, including a healthy diet, exercise, prayer, and connecting with nature. He is an IRONMAN athlete, has run the Boston Marathon, and even Run Up the Empire State building. Bill has been limited in his activities for over two years due to his fight with cancer and his severely damaged immune system, caused by the chemotherapy. He has adapted by meeting friends outside whenever possible, recently taking up outdoor pickleball for socialization. The cancer journey has changed Bill's perspective on life and how he lives life in many positive ways. He is grateful to be alive and hopeful treatments will improve enough to someday cure his cancer.

Bill wrote the book while undergoing chemotherapy with the help of Page Two Publishing. The book gives him a purpose in his life as he tries to live a life of significance. It is available in audiobook form worldwide and wherever books are sold. The book and its mission are supported by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. The book is already making a positive difference in the lives of cancer patients - with amazing testimonials being received often.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

Bill's journey with experiencing cancer five times The importance of advocating for yourself and getting a second opinion Bill's defining moment in his cancer journey Why Bill decided to write a book for those enduring cancer treatments How he protects his immune health and adapts to life with a weakened system A moment that brough Bill joy Three tips to creating more joy in your life, even during a cancer diagnosis

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