Isn’t it fun to EXPRESS your truest self outwardly... to SHINE brilliantly... and LIVE unapologetically?

Gina Vincent is a Life Artist & the creator of Exquisitely Aligned, a movement designed to shatter mundane thoughts & mediocrity, one that champions the voice of your soul to be expressed fully, your deepest desires to be embraced, and your gifts to be divinely expressed.

In 2009, while her husband lay fighting for his life with kidney and liver disease, Gina was fighting the collective conformity of their local hospital, the doctors, and their rules. Gina turned inward & took an unwavering stand. She stood 100% for Mark’s unlived, amazing future life. Here, she discovered her 3-step strategic solution to live Exquisitely Aligned. Her goal is for you to make YOUR unique difference in the world. Gina believes the world is missing what ONLY YOU have to give.

Gina shares hacks to help elite, professional, & ambitious women find their missing piece in life, allowing them to escape the one-size-fits-all paradigm, and freeing them from the judgment that comes with up-leveling their life. She shares practical tools to remove the guesswork in finding their true destination with shortcuts along the journey. She’s known for her relentless positivity, creating safe spaces, & moving others to action. She took adversity and transformed it into discovery and creativity.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

How Gina's husband's battle for his life was the turning point in her own The journey to health that led Gina to her program, Exquisitely Aligned Gina's program and how she incorporates unique gifting of the individual Gina's three keys to living exquisitely aligned The growth process as part of the journey to alignment

Gift for Listeners: Journey into what's possible for you - Guided Visualization
& Meditation

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn