When we ask authors why they want to write a book, most of them focus on their branding or business goals. Those are legitimate goals, and books help greatly with both...

But those aren’t the only goals.

Many authors also want to achieve intangible goals, like “helping people” and “personal growth.”

They often mention them as an aside, almost as if they’re embarrassed about having these sorts of goals. As if it’s not appropriate for a business person to have emotions.

But when we talk to our authors after their books are out, they’re almost all impacted the most by these “intangible” benefits of their book.

Even though the business and branding aspects of books drive the economic return on investment and are thus important, we believe that the “intangible impacts” are what actually matter most to authors in the long run.

Why do I say that?

Because books help people make their lives better in ways far beyond what’s measured just by money.

That’s what this episode is all about. To help authors understand what the intangible benefits of a book can be, and to understand that it’s not only acceptable to want them—they’re often the point of writing a book.

To read the accompanying post, click here.

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