We see authors spend years writing, finish the manuscript, and then spend virtually no time on the rest of the book. They essentially check out of the title, book cover, book description, etc.

This is utterly baffling. It’s like they never ask themselves possibly the most important question about their book: 

How do people judge my book?

By doing this, they’re essentially saying that they think readers will not judge their book by anything except the content. That the title, cover, author bio, blurbs and other marketing materials mean nothing to potential readers.

Let us lay this out for you in the starkest terms possible:

Almost every potential reader will judge whether or not to buy and read your book BEFORE they have read a single word inside the book.

This is not a pleasant fact, but it IS a fact, and the more you understand it, the better you can signal exactly what you want to the reader, so that they'll be engaged and give your content the time it deserves.

This episode will explain the three biggest judgments a reader makes during a buying decision about a book, and how to give your book the best chance to reach its potential reader.

To learn ALL of the reader's judgments, check out our article here.