Fraser Cameron is an Epic Dad. That’s wasn’t always the case. The wake up call came for Fraser when his son Will met him at the gate one evening, and said “Dad why are you always so grumpy?”

That jolting moment was the wake up call Fraser needed to make big changes. He quit his job, and embarked upon his journey to become an epic dad and to make a massive impact.

You see Fraser believes that you can have it all. He says there is no such thing as work-life balance. It’s all about integration and getting simple and specific about the things you really want in live.

For the parents out there, he also reminds us that time with our children is finite, especially when they are at an age when we can influence them and prepare them for the future.

This short clip will inspire and challenge. By the way, Fraser tells us that an #EPICDAD is a dad that creates choice and opportunity at home, work and play. Making a massive impact along the way. It’s about creating time, freedom and fulfilment. Its about being an amazing father, husband, colleague and man! Truly having it all. When we do this, we show our kids how to create new possible.

You can connect with Fraser on LinkedIn

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to connect.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-