Marcus Aurelius Anderson turned 40 years old broke, divorced, bedridden, and paralyzed from the neck down.Today Marcus is a TEDx Speaker, Peak Performance Mindset Coach, and the Best Selling author of “The Gift of Adversity.”

Oh yea, he also studies martial arts under one of Bruce Lee’s proteges and is in the best shape of his entire life. If Marcus wants to talk to the world about the gift of adversity, we should listen.

His story began when he was preparing to serve overseas with the U.S. infantry and suffered a serious spinal injury. After dying on the operating table... twice, the surgeons saved his life, but told him he'd never walk again.

Resignation turned to anger with everyone around him, then anger he directed at himself for being so complacent about life. Fueled by a desire to get a second chance Marcus now found that the biggest naysayers came from the medical community.

In this show Marcus explains how he used the gift of adversity to overcome paralysis and pain and to ultimately find his purpose.

Marcus approaches mindset coaching with direct honesty. He says that for most of us the answer you want is in the adversity you’re avoiding.

He reminds us that our greatest enemies are comfort and complacency and laments that some people will go 75 years or more being complacent. He uses the power of his story to drive home the point that our life could end tomorrow. And he challenges all of us to do more.

We also talk about the importance of working with a coach. Our mind has enormous power. It can be used to justify just about anything, including complacency. If you want to take your life to the next level, you need someone to hold you accountable.

Our conversation also touched on the impact technology is having on our ability to create real relationships and encourages people of all ages to believe in our ability to make a difference.

Top 3 tips from this episode

Seek out adversity and run towards it
Invest in your happiness
If you want to be happy start right now

He also calls BS on all the people that say they practice gratitude but in fact just pay lip service to it.  For Marcus his gratitude was radical and adversarial.

You can contact Marcus at:


Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-