Twenty years ago Cory Warfield was homeless and living on the streets. He ended up in a small ski town in Colorado, sharing a  garage with no running water.

He got off his butt and started washing dishes in pizza joints and ended up working in the restaurant industry for many years.

Today Cory is Co-founder and CEO of Shedwool, a fast growing Employee Scheduling SAS provider, a Semi-finalist in the Miller Lite / Daymond John Tap the Future 2018, a Brand Ambassador for Daymond John “Rise and Grind,” Co-founder/Mentor for You Global Consultants Network , and a Philanthropist / Volunteer (1% for the Planet, Turning Point, Malala Fund). In his spare time he recently launched an online business accelerator!

The amazing thing is Cory did all that in less than three years. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who could more plainly explain how to bootstrap a million dollar + SAS business. Combined that will Cory’s servant. In this episode we get down and deep on his entrepreneurial journey.


Tells us how he came up with the idea for his business
How a guy that didn’t know anything about coding found his Shedwool co-founder through a Craigslist ad
How being homeless in the past fuels his promise to never again let himself get in that situation
Surprised me by sharing that he is also a performing artists with more than 100 recordings
What is was like rapping in front of Daymond John
Why he never listens to naysayers
How he knew he was onto something when for the first time ever his wife said he had a pretty good idea
Why he believes that google takes every excuse off the table for someone who says they don’t know how to do something
Why so many people fail at their adventure at almost exactly the same point and time
And tells us about his new pro-bono online business accelerator

You can reach Cory:



Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-