Do you remember the first time you went to a funeral?

For me it was for my Grandfather. The day before the service we went to the funeral home for the visitation. The family drove right to the front door. The line of people waiting to pay their respects went all the way around the block. Some people waited for more than an hour, just to get into the home.

I didn’t understand at the time. My grandpa was a retired small business owner. He sold coal which in those days people used to heat their homes. Hardly a glamorous business.

Who were all these people? Why were they here?

Then the stories started to flow. Everyone had a memory of my grandpa. But the tears came from people that had worked for him (he kept everyone on during the Great Depression), and from the families he kept warm by giving them free coal to heat their homes. I later learned that he never made any effort to collect for the coal. If people came in he accepted payments, but those that couldn’t, or chose not to, were never embarrassed.

After his funeral, I hear a woman say to another, “If Ford Wilson had worked at hard at his business as he did at helping his community, he would’ve been a rich man.”

IMHO my grandpa was the richest man I’ve ever met, and it has nothing to do with his success in business. Who is the richest woman or man you know?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]




Screw The Naysayers-