Julian Smit is the Director and Senior Producer at J.D. Nevins Communications Inc., a virtual digital communications agency with expertise in emerging sales and marketing strategies and technologies.

He is also the Executive Director and Host of BIYF Marketing which is a YouTube channel and iTunes Podcast, dedicated to providing weekly sales and marketing advice for businesses and marketers.

After working in a number of different jobs, Julian found his niche in digital marketing, and spent almost 10 years working in the corporate world. Changes in the corporate structure of his employer, left Julian and many of his co-workers looking for a job. His transition to the freelance job market happened almost by chance. He was not able to find full time employment, but he did find a number of short term gigs. Along the way he started to appreciate the benefits of working from home, on his own schedule.

Seeing a bigger opportunity Julian created a virtual digital marketing agency where he draws on his growing network of global experts to provide top notch service to a growing list of clients, including Bank of Montreal.

In this episode Julian shares he thoughts on the future of the digital marketing sector, offers advice to anyone interested in taking advantage of this growing opportunity, and the rationale behind his podcast.

When he lost his job, Julian could have become discouraged. Instead he ignored the naysayers that view freelancing as a poor substitute for a real job, and eventually created his dream business, career, and life.

I know you’ll enjoy Julian’s honest, direct, communication style and his obvious joy of life.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to connect.

Email [email protected]

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/stnwithtimalison/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/screwthenaysayers/

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-alison/

Screw The Naysayers- www.screwthenaysayers.com

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J.D. Nevins Communications Inc.







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