Doug Thompson defy’s today’s norms in many different ways. For starters, in the last 30 years Doug has only had two employers. A rare achievement for those that work in the private sector these days. He’s also an Artificial Intelligence Ambassador for Microsoft (his employer since January of 2001. Not exactly a typical role for someone that’s catching up to me in years!

While at Microsoft Doug has also worked extensively in the public education space, helping them develop strategies to implement technology. The combination of these two jobs gives Doug a unique perspective on education. Like many of us, he’s tired of changes in the education system that can best be described as simply rearranging the deck chairs.

We also push past all the hype about AI and get into specifics about what the future might hold. Doug stresses that AI is already here. The goal moving forward should be to augment what humans do. He also talks about the need for all of us to be vigilant to ensure AI is used for the betterment of humankind.

This episode is a conversation between two guys who both believe the public education system needs a major overhaul. I think you’ll really enjoy hearing Doug’s insights.  Enjoy

You can reach Doug at:

LinkedIn:  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email-  [email protected]
Screw The Naysayers-