Rich Cardona proudly tells us that he scored 1060 on his S.A.T. exam in high school. He actually tried several times but the other scores were lower. Turns out it was easier to learn  how to fly a light attack helicopter than it was to ace the S.A.T.

I’m tempted to go on a rant about our education system, but we saved that for the interview.

Fresh out of high school Rich joined the marines as a private in 1988. His plan was to serve four years, save some money, and hopefully be ready for college. He ended up staying in the marines for 17 years.

Armed with an MBA from USC- Marshall School of Business, Rich joined one of the largest corporations in the world. Hint- almost everyone has ordered something online from this company). It was a good paying job, work that he knew how to do, and a horrible fit. In his words he became disinterested, distracted, and ambivalent. He was meandering through life.  

In June 2018 Rich uprooted his life (and his family) and started Flybys Media. Recently he also became a tribe member of Veterans in Residence. Rich’s entrepreneurial journey is still a work in progress. We had a great conversation about his time in the military, the challenges he and other veterans face in transitioning to the private sector, and his experiences as a new business owner. We also took a good kick at an education system that simply is not working anymore. Something for everyone. Enjoy.

You can reach Rich at:



Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.
Email-  [email protected]
Screw The Naysayers-