Welcome to Episode #278, with Adam Dodds, founder and CEO of Freetrade, a next generation investment app offering free stock trading in the UK for the very first time.

During this episode, Why You Need Crowdfunding & Venture Capital for Your Business, Adam and I will be talking about:

Transparency and engagement to your customers are key ideas for business to succeed Listening to your customers and the community early on helps mold your products and your business to be a better version of what you initially conceived it to be Building trust is a progress and the first step in doing so is when people do recommend your products/business to their friends and family Investment is a good habit after all, it's investing in your future

In partnership with Draper Esprit, one of Europe's largest tech-focused venture capital firm. Make the future. Make it better. Make it happen.

Learn more about the content discussed in this episode:

Listen to Episode 273 with How to Fund Your Startup in a Pandemic here Learn more about Freetrade here Discover Draper Esprit by visiting their website here Connect with Adam Dodds via his LinkedIn account here, Instagram account here and Twitter -account here

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