How can we best measure the activity in general practice and measure how busy we really are?

The In-Hours GP Activity project is a collaboration between National Services Scotland (NSS), Public Health Scotland (PHS) and the Scottish Government to access, understand and improve the availability and consistency of activity data from in-hours general practice. A pilot was held during the autumn of 2022 to try out guidance to practices on encounter recording, collect data and try out a dashboard at practice level.

Numbers of “encounters” as recorded in the practice clinical systems and the corresponding “healthcare professional role” responsible for the encounter are made available as a by-product of documenting routine clinical care. Recording behaviour varies across and within practices, and to extend the project to cover all practices will require more work following feedback gained during the pilot. In this episode we have an interview with Dr Keith Moffat and Billy Davidson of NSS, who discuss the encouraging progress so far and planned next steps.

We hear from our friend of the podcast, Dr Chris Weatherburn, for his annual dose of inspiration and book recommendations. This year it’s all about Resilience, how to create new and sustainable habits, and being surrounded by idiots!

And finally at the end of a bumper episode, we note the emergence of a new level of “smarter” AI Chat GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), which uses deep learning algorithms to analyse and generate text, with some amazing results. We discuss it rather briefly but do manage to create a poem about a famous doctor from Dundee, and a limerick about SNUG!

Primary Care - In-hours General Practice Activity Visualisation

Dr Chris Weatherburn video review of Resilient by Rick Hanson and Surrounded by idiots