Dr Rob Hamilton is a GP in Snug Medical Centre in Snug, a small town on the South coast of Tasmania. We say hello to Rob and hear a little about what life there is like at the moment, as the border with new South Wales is about to open and they may start to experience Covid-19 for the first time. We also reflect on a hectic 2021 with SNUG co-chair Dr Neil Kelly who gives us some ideas for new year’s resolutions, including a digital detox, or at the very least, switching off notifications on your phone. And of course, we have some book reviews from Dr Chris Weatherburn, who describes SCIMP’s mutation into Primary Care Informatics and gives us plenty of enthusiastic tips on maintaining positivity as the new year beckons.

BMJ Talk Medicine Podcast: Wellbeing – feeling addicted to your phone?

Today FM Christmas Covid Handicap Hurdle

Chris Weatherburn’s book reviews

Positivity – Chris’s Barbara Fredrickson summary Youtube video

See and subscribe to Chris’s newsletters here!

Airplane: re-inflating the autopilot

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas

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