Sabrina took us through the story of Martha who had a sister named Mary. Here is an excerpt from her sermon.


"I think often the lesson that we come away from this story with is that the only thing of value is to stop being like Martha and be more like Mary instead – stop doing things and start sitting at Jesus’ feet. And I absolutely love so much of who Mary is. I love that Jesus threw off the social norms that said that a woman had no right to learn from a Rabbi. Her gender did not limit her ability to enter into a space of learning and service in Jesus’ new, upside down kingdom. Jesus’ invitation and the inclusion of her were ground-breaking and that would not be taken from her.


And it is absolutely important for us to take time and space away from the busyness and activity of life in order to just be in the presence of our Lord – allowing him to teach us and speak to us. But it isn’t one or the other – either we idly sit at his feet, learning in his presence, or we allow our busyness to go unchecked and hinder us from communion with Jesus.


The lesson here isn’t just to stop being busy, but to always remember the one thing that is needed. To let our daily work – caring for your family, keeping house, the work you do at your place of employment, every moment of every day become holy moments where we’re sitting at the feet of Jesus in the midst of the work we do.


Colossians 3:23 tells us that whatever we do, we are to work at it with all of our heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters and Ephesians 6:7 to “serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.”


God calls us each to be faithful to the gifts and tasks that he’s given to us – faithful to the specific strengths and gifts he’s placed in each of us and faithful to the specific tasks that he’s assigned to each of us. We need to let our daily work – caring for your family, keeping house, the work you do at your place of employment, every moment of every day become holy moments where we’re sitting at the feet of Jesus in the midst of the work we do.
Preached on Sunday August 5, 2018 at Scott Street Church