Dr. Rob Patterson challenged us with his message during our family-friendly Sunday Service in his second part of his message on the prophet Jonah. He asked:


"What's is your Nineveh? Nineveh is when you walk out of your front door and you look around. There are people all around us who God loves, but who don't know him. We are in Nineveh. Nineveh is wherever you have a friend that does not know Jesus and you need to tell him about his love. We need to be Jonah, but let's not run the wrong way, let's run the right way. Invite your neighbour for dinner, can you do that? You need to build your relationship with your neighbour. Maybe you need to help someone paint their fence. Do you know anyone who's lonely? Maybe that's where God is calling you. That's what is like going to Nineveh, taking God's love to those in need. Life is not about us and life is short, so let's go to Nineveh. It is about us being obedient to God’s call and taking his love and forgiveness to a needy world.. Life is about Nineveh. Can you imagine the lives that are going to be changed? Life is not about us. Touch somebody’s life. Let’s make a difference.


So, God, we ask for forgiveness for short-sightedness, help us not to be selfish but have our eyes opened to the needs of those around us. Open our eyes and we ask you to show us ‘Where is Nineveh for me? Where are you calling me to go? ‘Father, we pray that you will use us, that life wouldn’t be about us but that would be about you, your love and your forgiveness, that wouldn’t be about our comfort and self-centeredness but that you will build a fire inside us to change the world and to bring Christ across the street and Nineveh. Amen! "
Preached on July 29, 2018 at Scott Street Church