Back with another GuestGoods, this time with artist, friend of DØM, and all-around good guy Len Peralta. Don’t know his work? Oh, you will shortly. And you can even grab some for yourself, just like us! (Check us out as Villian vs. Hero below!)

What is GuestGoods? 
There are a ton of creative innovators out there, and we think it’s cool to share things that Junkies might dig. We’re approaching it from the “If you like Scott’s stuff, you might like this” perspective. We keep this show short! It’s a three-question interview show, and the questions are the same for everyone.

Questions are simple: 1) What’s your hot new thing? 2) What’s in it for the Junkies? 3) Where can they find out more?

From Len himself: Thanks to Scott and A for giving me this platform to hawk my wares and basically pimp myself out. I never miss a chance.


A colleague of mine recently compared my approach to art to a “gunslinger”. I found that funny, beca use I have never heard that term in relation to a cartoonist before. As we chatted more, I got a better understanding of what he meant. He meant to say that I just run out there and take chances with my art. I don’t know if a project will end up working o r not, but in the end, it’s worth taking a chance rather than not doing the project at all.

This is especially true of my current art project “50 vs. 50”. As with Monster By Mail (my other original art project), I created it with a specific goal in mind – to get myself to San Diego Comic Con. (Monster By Mail was created to hel[img_assist|nid=5917|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=195|height=250]p pay for heath care costs for the birth of my baby daughter). In the end, I drew 50 villains and 50 heroes and was able to make it to San Diego for the festivities.

Now, in time for Halloween, I’m drawing 50 zombies and 50 apocalyptic survivors for people. There isn’t any specific goal in mind this time around. It’s really just a fun way to celebrate one of my favorite holidays. Folks can order a digital version of the art, or for a few extra dollars, they can get a signed print or even the original pen and ink artwork of their zombie or survivor. All in all, it adheres to my tenant of making commissionable original art for people affordable and cool. 

You can check out my heroes and villains gallery at And you can be the first zombie that shambles into the Zombie Gallery. (As of this writing, I haven’t drawn any zombies for this project, so the f ield is open.) You can also check out all my other projects (like my wildly popular nerdy trading card project “Geek A Week” and my avatar creation site Flipface) at my main website

Back with another GuestGoods, this time with artist, friend of DØM, and all-around good guy Len Peralta. Don’t know his work? Oh, you will shortly. And you can even grab some for yourself, just like us! (Check us out as Villian vs. Hero below!)

What is GuestGoods?  There are a ton of creative innovators out there, and we think it’s cool to share things that Junkies might dig. We’re approaching it from the “If you like Scott’s stuff, you might like this” perspective. We keep this show short! It’s a three-question interview show, and the questions are the same for everyone.

Questions are simple: 1) What’s your hot new thing? 2) What’s in it for the Junkies? 3) Where can they find out more?

From Len himself: Thanks to Scott and A for giving me this platform to hawk my wares and basically pimp myself out. I never miss a chance.


A colleague of mine recently compared my approach to art to a “gunslinger”. I found that funny, beca use I have never heard that term in relation to a cartoonist before. As we chatted more, I got a better understanding of what he meant. He meant to say that I just run out there and take chances with my art. I don’t know if a project will end up working o r not, but in the end, it’s worth taking a chance rather than not doing the project at all.

This is especially true of my current art project “50 vs. 50”. As with Monster By Mail (my other original art project), I created it with a specific goal in mind – to get myself to San Diego Comic Con. (Monster By Mail was created to hel[img_assist|nid=5917|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=195|height=250]p pay for heath care costs for the birth of my baby daughter). In the end, I drew 50 villains and 50 heroes and was able to make it to San Diego for the festivities.

Now, in time for Halloween, I’m drawing 50 zombies and 50 apocalyptic survivors for people. There isn’t any specific goal in mind this time around. It’s really just a fun way to celebrate one of my favorite holidays. Folks can order a digital version of the art, or for a few extra dollars, they can get a signed print or even the original pen and ink artwork of their zombie or survivor. All in all, it adheres to my tenant of making commissionable original art for people affordable and cool.  You can check out my heroes and villains gallery at And you can be the first zombie that shambles into the Zombie Gallery. (As of this writing, I haven’t drawn any zombies for this project, so the f ield is open.) You can also check out all my other projects (like my wildly popular nerdy trading card project “Geek A Week” and my avatar creation site Flipface) at my main website