Awwww snap! Check out our brand-new show, GuestGoods. We’re gearing up complete website revision, which we plan to launch before 2012 hits, and we thought it was high time to dish out some of the changes a little early (You see that freshy fresh icon over there? A little taste of things to come. Oh, yeah, you know you can’t wait.)

What is GuestGoods? 
There are a ton of creative innovators out there, and we think it’s cool to share things that Junkies might dig. We’re approaching it from the “If you like Scott’s stuff, you might like this” perspective. We keep this show short! It’s a three-question interview show, and the questions are the same for everyone.

Questions are simple: 1) What’s your hot new thing? 2) What’s in it for the Junkies? 3) Where can they find out more?

In this episode: We launch the three-question assualt at fellow Junkie Seth Harwood.Seth’s been quite busy over at, dropping a brand-new podcast called IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, which he’ll tell you all about. He’s also running a Kickstarter campaign to produce killer crime-fiction eBooks. Seth is a hard-workin’ mo-fo, so give him a couple of minutes and — of course — let us know what you think about this show and this format!