In this podcast we hear from David Kerr, ScotEID’s Technical Manager. He speaks about cattle EID tags and their importance in the future for traceability for food safety and disease control. David tells us about the technology and the differences between Ultra High Frequency (UHF) tags which will be used for cattle tags, and Low Frequency (LF) tags which are used in sheep tags. David explains the minimal affect this will have on beef farmers once compulsory EID tagging of cattle comes into effect – the minimum is to tag the calf with a pink EID tag. The use of EID readers and performance recording etc is all optional and up to the farmer if they wish to use them to its full benefit as a management tool.

Related Resources

Consultation on cattle identification and traceability in Scotland - Page 1 of 10 - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

ScotEid - 2024 - Board 7 - v1