We begin our second series of Natural Capital exploring Bees, Butterflies and Biodiversity with Dr Lorna Cole, an agricultural ecologist whose work addresses the challenge of feeding our growing world population whilst protecting our environment. We discuss beneficial insects, habitats and biodiversity, including the many pollinators found in Scotland. Pollinators play important roles but face multiple pressures and we discuss how agricultural practices influence these insects and the ecosystem services they deliver. We explore what you can do to protect and enhance species and habitat.  

The Earth’s soils, rocks, air, water, plants and animals are all valuable resources that provide a wide range of services and benefits. These resources need to be carefully managed and maintained to support a healthy functioning environment. In this Natural Capital podcast series, we explore different natural capital assets and their value to Scottish agriculture and the rural economy, including the opportunities and risks for the future.  

Hosted and produced by Iain Boyd, with Rachel Smillie and Fiona Salter, editor Kieron Sim, executive producer Kerry Hammond.  


The importance and value of biodiversity: 3:30 – 15:43 

Pollinators in Scotland and their roles on farm: 15:44 – 21:55 

What land managers can do to boost pollinators and habitats: 21:55 – 35:33 

Managed bees, beekeeping and native pollinators: 35:33 – 43:16 

Benefits for other pollinators: 43:16 – 46:00 

Related FAS Resources 

Insect Pollinators & Pollination | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

Thrill of the Hill - Natural Capital | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

The Great Yellow Bumblebee | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

FAS Sounds | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service

Biodiversity | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

Other Related Resources 

Welcome to the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS) | PoMS (ukpoms.org.uk)

How farming with nature brings pollinators back to arable farms (soilassociation.org)

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Home page | Butterfly Conservation (butterfly-conservation.org)

Scottish pollinators | Updates on pollinators and pollinator projects from around Scotland (wordpress.com)

The soil health scorecard | AHDB

We begin our second series of Natural Capital exploring Bees, Butterflies and Biodiversity with Dr Lorna Cole, an agricultural ecologist whose work addresses the challenge of feeding our growing world population whilst protecting our environment. We discuss beneficial insects, habitats and biodiversity, including the many pollinators found in Scotland. Pollinators play important roles but face multiple pressures and we discuss how agricultural practices influence these insects and the ecosystem services they deliver. We explore what you can do to protect and enhance species and habitat.  

The Earth’s soils, rocks, air, water, plants and animals are all valuable resources that provide a wide range of services and benefits. These resources need to be carefully managed and maintained to support a healthy functioning environment. In this Natural Capital podcast series, we explore different natural capital assets and their value to Scottish agriculture and the rural economy, including the opportunities and risks for the future.  

Hosted and produced by Iain Boyd, with Rachel Smillie and Fiona Salter, editor Kieron Sim, executive producer Kerry Hammond.  


The importance and value of biodiversity: 3:30 – 15:43 

Pollinators in Scotland and their roles on farm: 15:44 – 21:55 

What land managers can do to boost pollinators and habitats: 21:55 – 35:33 

Managed bees, beekeeping and native pollinators: 35:33 – 43:16 

Benefits for other pollinators: 43:16 – 46:00 

Related FAS Resources 

Insect Pollinators & Pollination | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

Thrill of the Hill - Natural Capital | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

The Great Yellow Bumblebee | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

FAS Sounds | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service

Biodiversity | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)

Other Related Resources 

Welcome to the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS) | PoMS (ukpoms.org.uk)

How farming with nature brings pollinators back to arable farms (soilassociation.org)

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Home page | Butterfly Conservation (butterfly-conservation.org)

Scottish pollinators | Updates on pollinators and pollinator projects from around Scotland (wordpress.com)

The soil health scorecard | AHDB

Biodiversity metric: calculate the biodiversity net gain of a project or development - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)