Getting a croft isn't easy, whether you are new to agriculture or have been working in crofting all your days. In this episode, Siobhan Macdonald and Graham Fraser discuss how to get a croft, types of tenure, what to be aware of and how to keep a croft.  

 We cover:  

How much does a croft cost?  What is the difference between assignation of a tenancy and buying an owner occupied croft?  Financing the purchase Responsibilities and duties of a crofter Avoiding becoming landlord of a vacant croft Lets of owner–occupied crofts Decrofting & Resumptions Bareland crofts  Where to look for crofts?   Shares and deemed crofts Contributions to the CG maintenance Sub-lets Creation of new crofts 

Linked FAS Resources 

Crofting Legislation | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (

Other Useful Resources

Register of Crofts | Crofting Commission (

About crofting - Scottish Crofting Federation

Woodland Crofts | Supporting Lives & Livelihoods through Managing Woodland