Along with our regular monthly updates on policy briefs, arable, beef, sheep and milk, In this edition we are also bringing you sector overviews on forestry and how the changing climate affects Scottish farms. We will also be bringing you news on optimising grassland management and fertiliser usage & costs.  

Show Notes  

00.43:-News in Brief 

02.38:-Policy Briefs - AECS, energy efficiency standards, visitors levy. 

07.18:-Arable- Increased cost of shipped grain imports, tighter domestic cereal supply.. 

11.47:-Beef - Demand for finished cattle, straw shortage. 

15.27:-Sheep - Smaller 2024 flock keep prices high. 

18.56:- Sector Focus – Forestry – updates to FGS and timber markets. 

23.02 :-Milk - Characteristics of top performing dairy farms, prices update. 

27.22:- Sector focus – How will changing climate affect Scottish farms? 

32.06:- Management Matters - Optimising grassland management. 

35.34:- Input costs - Fertiliser cost and usage update. 

Related FAS Resources  

Other Links: 

National good food nation plan 

Rural Payments Website 

Delivering Net Zero for Scotland’s Buildings 

Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill: Consultation 

Briefing Note 45- December 2023 

Briefing Note 46- February 2024 

Timber Price Indices from Forest Research 

Characteristics of top performing farms in the UK 2024-dairy.pdf 

For more information, visit 

Twitter: @FASScot 


Along with our regular monthly updates on policy briefs, arable, beef, sheep and milk, In this edition we are also bringing you sector overviews on forestry and how the changing climate affects Scottish farms. We will also be bringing you news on optimising grassland management and fertiliser usage & costs.  

Show Notes  

00.43:-News in Brief 

02.38:-Policy Briefs - AECS, energy efficiency standards, visitors levy. 

07.18:-Arable- Increased cost of shipped grain imports, tighter domestic cereal supply.. 

11.47:-Beef - Demand for finished cattle, straw shortage. 

15.27:-Sheep - Smaller 2024 flock keep prices high. 

18.56:- Sector Focus – Forestry – updates to FGS and timber markets. 

23.02 :-Milk - Characteristics of top performing dairy farms, prices update. 

27.22:- Sector focus – How will changing climate affect Scottish farms? 

32.06:- Management Matters - Optimising grassland management. 

35.34:- Input costs - Fertiliser cost and usage update. 

Related FAS Resources  

Other Links: 

National good food nation plan 

Rural Payments Website 

Delivering Net Zero for Scotland’s Buildings 

Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill: Consultation 

Briefing Note 45- December 2023 

Briefing Note 46- February 2024 

Timber Price Indices from Forest Research 

Characteristics of top performing farms in the UK 2024-dairy.pdf 

For more information, visit 

Twitter: @FASScot 

Facebook: @FASScot 

 National Advice Hub 

Phone: 0300 323 0161 

Email: [email protected] 

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