Mary-Jane Lawrie talks to Lawrence Martin who was a new entrant to farming. After doing an HNC in agriculture at college, he started an apprenticeship with Lantra and SRUC. The apprenticeship gave him the opportunity to get out on farm and ultimately became a farm manager. He tells us of his farming journey, how the apprenticeship scheme works and how you can get involved in the scheme. 


FAS Resources  

Managing People | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service ( 

Other Resources  

Carbeth Home Farm – an an adventure in ecology, agriculture and tourism 

From apprentice with no farming background to farm manager | The Scottish Farmer 

Apprenticeships - Lantra 

Study at SRUC | Apprenticeships 

Modern Apprentice Lawrence Martin tells us how much he enjoys his career in farming - YouTube 


For more information, visit 

Twitter: @FASScot 

Facebook: @FASScot 


National Advice Hub 

Phone: 0300 323 0161 

Email: [email protected]