Founder of Business for Scotland and head of Believe in Scotland Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp is Drew Hendry's guest on the Scotland's Choice podcast this time.

Gordon set up Business for Scotland in 2011 and now has 4,000 associated members. They describe themselves as "an agenda setting, independent and political party neutral business network and business policy think tank."

A key argument in the referendum campaign will be rejoining the EU. Regular listeners of the Scotland's Choice podcast will have heard Drew discuss this with a variety of guests, but with such a large number of businesses being represented by Gordon, he was keen to get his unique insight into how it's affecting them.

As well as founding Business for Scotland, Gordon more recently founded Believe in Scotland. It aims to present the facts in a clear way to folk who dislike some of the 'big P' politics on display in these sorts of campaigns (their resources are great - definitely check them out!). In light of that, Drew was keen to see how Gordon thought the arguments have changed since 2014 and why the case for Scottish independence is stronger than ever.

Thanks very much for coming on, Gordon, we'll hopefully catch up with you again over the next year!

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