Fine Gael TD (that's a Teachta Dála - a member of the Irish Parliament) Neale Richmond is Drew's guest on Scotland's Choice this week to provide a view from Ireland.

Having international guests on the podcast has been an ambition of ours for a while now - we want views from around Europe, and possibly even beyond, as to why they think Scotland would flourish as an independent country. After all, as the First Minister said as she launched the first prospectus paper, "why not Scotland?"

Neale, like Drew, has long been a critic of Brexit and the economic damage it has unleashed on the UK. But one thing listeners in Scotland may not be too familiar with is how it's changed the relationship between the UK and Irish governments. Neale discusses this along with similarities between the Scottish independence movement and the reunification movement in Ireland, the current state of affairs in Westminster, the currency question and much more.

Thanks very much to Neale for coming on the Scotland's Choice podcast, you can find him on Twitter here.

Visit the Scotland's Choice website for our back catalogue of episodes and bonus articles here.

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