Stoner Scorpio the month of March sets up as a tale of two halves, split by the Spring Equinox on the 20th.  Celestial bodies will impart great influence on the stoner Scorpions of the world, but in dramatically different ways at different times.  Sit back, relax, and take tokes of the marijuana smoke; with help … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope March →

Stoner Scorpio the month of March sets up as a tale of two halves, split by the Spring Equinox on the 20th.  Celestial bodies will impart great influence on the stoner Scorpions of the world, but in dramatically different ways at different times.  Sit back, relax, and take tokes of the marijuana smoke; with help from your sacred herbal assistant, navigating these distinct periods will be as smooth as an ice chilled bong rip.

Get ready stoner Scorpio, the first two decades of March will be filled with a creative burst from the cosmos.  This surge of creative energy will be best served within personal spaces.  Find fun creative projects that enhance your living space.  The cannabis prescription for this phase before the 20th is a bit tricky.  Pure Sativa cannabis strains should be avoided.  Leaning into this creative cosmic vibe might turn the energetic cosmic influence into scatterbrained frustration.  However, a pure Indica strain of the sacred herb should also be avoided.  You certainly don’t want to waste this positive push by getting lost in a couch lock haze.  Therefore, find a true hybrid 50-50 strain to get the best of both worlds, and avoid the heavy influence of both worlds at the same time.

Stoner Scorpio, there is a bit more to the first two decades of the month.  The New Moon of the 13th marks an opportunity for new projects or fulfillment.  Toke time for planning and organizing before the New Moon, and then executing your grand design after the New Moon.

After the Spring Equinox of the 20th, the universal influence will remain energetic, but there will be a switch in focus from the personal sphere to the work sphere.  Be prepared to tackle all of your terrestrial missions.  This may seem daunting after a couple weeks of creative personal output, but you will have the energy from the universe in this exciting busy season to accomplish any task on your list.  I have two specific recommendations to keep you charging ahead.  First, maintain the integrity of your cosmic spacesuit with a healthy diet and exercise.  You will become an athlete tackling the to-do list within the economic machinery of our terrestrial world; you must take care of your physical body to maintain your performance.  Second the sacred herb should be utilized after the hard charge of the day is done to relax, and feel the blessings of the universe.  Make sure the stash jar is loaded with your favorite Indica strain for these moments.  Light one up, breathe in the natural relaxing influence of our sacred plant, and recharge your batteries for the next day’s battle.

You can have it all this month stoner Scorpio.  I’ll light a celebratory bowl to that!